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So this is it! I just want to say another huuuuge thank you to everyone who has read this story! Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that it'd get this much reads! You have no idea what this means to me.

Now, moving on, a few people have asked me to write about Season 4. So I'm thinking that I will probably start typing it out soon as I have already got a few things down!

Also, I have NEVER written and epilogue before and honestly, I think this has to be one of the most awful things I've ever written and it's basically just like another chapter...anyway, hope you enjoy!

-Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV*

Four years. Four long years had passed us by and we've gained a few more friends but of course, we've also lost.

In all honesty, I find it amazing and slightly hard to believe that we had all made it this far.

Amy, now four was the spitting image of me when I was her age and even though she was practically my double, she had the same stubborn personality as her daddy. Always wanting to complete things on her own rather than ask anyone for help.

Although we had managed to keep ourselves held up in hotel for all this time, some of us had decided that it was time to move on.

So here I was saying goodbye to Rick, Michonne, Carl and little Judith.

Cassie was of course very upset at the fact that Carl was leaving. The two of them had become very close over the past couple of years and I could maybe even go as far to say there was something developing between the two of them. They were both stood a little bit away from the group, speaking quietly amongst themselves.

Rick approached me and I wrapped my arms around him. This was the man who had done so much for us, for me and it was hard to believe that we probably weren't going to see him again.

"Take care of yourselves." I told him as he bent down to talk to Amy.

"You too. Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" he asked, standing back up.

"Nah. We're goin' to stay here," Daryl said, coming up behind me, his arm coming to rest on my hip, "We think we can hold out here for a little longer."

"Well if you're sure." Rick said quietly, "Hopefully we might see each other again."

I left them to it, moving towards the two teens, only to meet Cassie halfway. She was playing with her fingers and wouldn't look at me.

"I'm going with them," she finally mumbled, "Rick said I can go and Lily? I don't want Carl to leave."

I chewed on my lip, "Are you sure?"

She stepped closer to me, "Lily, I really like him..."

Sighing, I wrapped my arms around her small frame, biting back tears as I spoke, "Are you sure that's what you want?"

She nodded against me before pulling away, her eyes focusing on something behind me.

"What's goin' on?" Daryl asked, eying the two of us carefully.

Cassie looked up at me and I nodded, watching as she stepped forward to break the news to Daryl.

"I'm going with Rick and Carl." she repeated and I watched for Daryl for any sort of reaction but all I saw was a flicker of sadness.

Rick called for everyone who was leaving to get ready and Cassie stepped forward and threw her arms around Daryl's neck, whispering a quiet thank you in his ear.

Daryl stepped back slightly, "Carl, c'mere a minute will ye'?"

Carl came over quickly, glancing at both Cassie and I before focusing his attention on Daryl.

"Listen to me, I want ye' to take care o' her." Daryl said quietly, taking a look over at us, "I mean it. She's become like a daughter to me."

Carl nodded once, "I promise."

Amy said a tearful goodbye to Judith before coming over to wrap her arms around Daryl's leg and he picked her up, setting her on his hip.

"Why they leavin' daddy?" she asked quietly, watching as everyone that was leaving climbed into the car.

He looked at her, pushing some of her brown hair away from her face, "They're goin' explorin'."

Her small forehead wrinkled as she frowned, "Why don't we go too?"

"Too dangerous righ' now." he answered, looking up at the darkening sky, "Go inside wi' yer momma the now."

When she was placed on the ground, she ran inside, squealing for Beth and Maggie, who had chose to stay with us along with Glenn, Sasha and Tyreese while I stayed outside with Daryl.

"Are you regretting not going?" I asked, lacing my fingers through his as we watched Rick's car make it's way down the street.

He shook his head, "We're safe here. Why risk goin' out there?"

"It's not always goin' to be safe," I told him, "We're going to have to leave sometime."

He shrugged, "Go inside. I'm jus' goin' to do a quick perimeter check."

Nodding, I gave his hand a comforting squeeze before heading inside.


After finally getting Amy to go to bed, I went in search of Daryl again, asking Maggie to listen out for Amy just for a little while.

After searching the hotel, I assumed that he'd most likely be up at the lighthouse, the place he always went when he needed to think.

Reaching the top of the spiral staircase, I spotted him out on the balcony, his strong arms resting on the railing as he looked out to the sea.

Quietly, so I didn't startle him, I slid the door open and stepped back out into the fresh air, shivering slightly as the cool breeze hit my exposed arms.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly, reaching out to trail my fingertips up his arm.

He nodded, looking down at me, "Jus' thinkin', ye' know?"

I took his hand and led him inside the lighthouse, "Come think inside...I told Amy that you'd go say goodnight to her."

"Do you think we're goin' to last much longer?" he suddenly asked, looking down at me, "Honestly, Lily."

"You can't think like that. We can't think like that." I mumbled, leading him through the small room to the stairs again, "We need to think positive. Think that we're going to get as far as we can."

After that, we crossed the lawn in silence and Daryl disappeared up the stairs to go see Amy while I followed more slowly.

When I got to the door to our room, I stopped and listened to the two of them talking quietly.

"Will you teach me to fish?" I heard Amy ask quietly as I peeped my head around the door.

"'Course I will kiddo. Now get some sleep." Daryl replied.

"'Kay," she whispered, "Love you daddy."

I watched as he leant down and pressed a small kiss to her forehead, "Love you too."

As I watched them, I thought about what Daryl had said. Honestly, it didn't matter about the future. It mattered about right now and as far as I could tell, we were fine. We were going to be okay.

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