Chapter Forty Four.

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Gahh over 25,000 reads! Thank you so much!

You guys might not have noticed but I changed it from being Hershel who comes looking for Lily to Maggie. I decided to do so because I kinda already had an idea which involved her.

Anyway, hope you enjoy! 

-Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV* 

As I was waiting for Daryl to return, I moved so I was laying against the tiled wall. I knew that it wasn't the squirrel that wasn't doing this. I hadn't eaten any. Just the smell of the cooking animal made me want to throw up. 

Just as I thought about it, another round came creeping up on me, causing me to hurl myself across the toilet bowl,bringing up the very small amount of food in my stomach. When I finished, I fell back onto my legs, jumping at the sight of Maggie watching from the doorway with wide eyes. 

"Jesus Maggie. Don't do that!" I breathed, hand resting over my heart. 

She crouched down in front of me, looking me dead in the eye, "How long has this been happening?" 

I quickly looked down at my hands, gently picking at my nails. 

"Lily." she pressed, taking hold of my hand.

"A few days," I whispered, looking up at her, "Maggie, I think I'm pregnant." 

"Oh, Lily." she cooed, pulling my into a hug as the tears fell from my eyes, "Have you told Daryl?" 

"No!" I sobbed, "What am I going to do? I can't bring a child into this world! That'd be cruel!" 

She gently stroked my hair as if I were a child, "You don't know for sure though?" 

"What else could it be?" I asked, wiping my eyes, "T-there's nothing else it could be! I need to get my hands on a test. How am I going to do that? I have no chance of doing it without Daryl seeing me." I was starting to panic, my voice getting a little higher with each sentence. 

"Lily, Lily calm down. I have some tests." Maggie said quietly, "Got them on the last run Glenn and I did before the accident. Can't be too careful." She stood up, leaving me on the tiled floor, "I'll go get you one."

I nodded and brought my knees up to my chest, waiting for her to come back, which she did quickly and she handed me two boxes. 

"Don't worry," she said quietly as I looked up at her, "I have more." She then left the small room. 

I quickly done my business before sitting the test on the sink counter. 

"When did it happen?" Maggie asked as I let her back in.

I exhaled, "Must have been about two weeks ago now. It wasn't supposed to happen like that. We got carried away." 

She nudged my shoulder, "I know what that's like." 

I smiled weakly, "What am I gonna tell Daryl?" 

"The truth." she answered, "That's all you can do." 

She was right. Of course she was. 

"Do you think it's ready?" I asked, toying with my hands again.

Nodding, she reached over to pick it up while I buried my head in my hands, terrified of the outcome, "Well?" 

"Positive." she whispered, "Lily, it's positive." 

"Oh God!" I cried, breaking down into more tears. 

Maggie crouched down in front of me again, grabbing my arms, "It's okay. It's going to be okay. We hav-" 

She was interrupted by the door to the bathroom being gently pushed open, Daryl standing there with a bottle of water.

"Lily?" he asked quietly, stepping over the threshold, his eyes zoning in on my tear stained face.

I hid myself behind Maggie, not wanting him to see me crying. 

"Lily?" he asked quietly, "Are you all righ'?" 

Maggie slowly stuck the test in my front pocket, pulling my shirt down so it covered it before she stood up, "I'll let you two talk." 

After she left, Daryl slowly sat down beside me, stretching his legs out in front of him. 

I lowered my head onto his shoulder, slipping my hand into his. 

He kissed my hair, resting his head on top of mine and we sat in silence for a few minutes.

I cleared my throat, "So, um, I've figured out why I've been sick.." 

He looked down at me, "Yeah? What's up?"

 When I didn't answer, he gently grasped my chin and turned my head so I was facing him and tried to press his lips to mine but I turned my head so he got my cheek instead. 

"I've been throwing up." I reminded him when I caught the rejected look in his eyes. 

Frowning, he pushed some of my hair from my face, "What's the matter wi' ye'?" 

I pressed my forehead against his, squeezing my eyes shut as a tear slid down my face. 

"Don't cry." he whispered, brushing it away, "Ye' can tell me anythin'." 

I took a few quick breaths, moving my face away from his and decided to just tell him, Best to do it quickly, like ripping off a band aid. 

I slowly reached into my pocket and pulled out the stupid white stick, holding it out for him to take, "I'm pregnant."

*Daryl's POV*

When I didn't say anything, Lily scrambled up from the floor, heading for the door, set on running from me again. 

Reacting quickly, I also stood, grabbing her wrist and spinning her into my chest, resting my chin on top of her head to let her cry into my shirt. 

Pregnant? How could we have been so careless? So stupid? 

"I'm so sorry!" she cried, fisting the material of my shirt tightly in her hands. 

I tangled my hand in her hair, "This isn't your fault. I played just a big a part as you. Alrigh'?"

She nodded slightly against me, "What're we going to do?" 

I groaned, wrapping her up in my arms again, "What have I done to ye'?" 

"We have to think practically about this." she mumbled, head against my chest again. 

"Yeah, yer right." I mumbled, gently stroking her hair.

A soft knock came and the door pushed open, Hershel standing and giving us a small smile. 

"Maggie said that you might want to talk to me." he informed us as we were both looking a little confused as to why he was here. 

I wasn't sure if Lily wanted anyone else to know, but looking down at her, I saw her nodding.

"Okay," she breathed, before looking around the small tiled bathroom that we were in, "Um, let's go into another room. It's getting a little crowded in here." 

"As you wish." the older man said quietly, gesturing for us to lead the way. 

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