Number five, hurt her I kill you,”

“I won’t,” I replied firmly, gulping slightly at his threatening tone

“Won’t what,” Jack questioned.

“Ever hurt her,” I reassured him.

“You can say good bye to her now,” Jack ordered nodding towards Ella.

I wrapped my arms around her kissing the top of her head lightly.

“Do you really love me,” she questioned.

“Yes,” I replied pulling her away leaning in for a kiss.

“I’m still here,” Jack shouted.

Whoops I forgot he hadn’t gone inside.

“Bye Chase,” Ella gave a small wave before sliding past her Dad inside.

“Bye Ella,” I responded.

“Bye Chase,” Jack said holding out his hand.

I firmly shook it looking into his eyes looking confident on the outside but on the inside I was shitting myself.

Mr T shut the door and I walked to my house with a smile on my face

Ella’s P.O.V

The rules, why did he have to do the rules; I thought while I was walking up the stairs to my room.

When he announced the first rule, I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes I mean honestly? I’m not a baby anymore, I can stay out till whenever I want!

Number two, gets most of the guys he has actually shown me how he will get the guy pregnant… before you get freaked out it’s not what you think he’s bought a pregnancy suit that will grow so the guy has to also be as pregnant as me… Dad made me wear it for one week and said ‘Whenever you think about having sex just remember wearing this.’

It was a horrible week.

Number three, that one is highly unfair! He had no problem with him sleeping over before, and I mean it’s no tlike Chase hasn’t slept over since we started dating, calm down Chase and I did nothing okay maybe a little, no a LOT of making out but nothing more. I mean we are responsible but I do kinda see where he is coming from.

Number four, TAKING MY PHONE AWAY! SERIOUSLY! This rule I hate the most cause it affects me the most! My phone is like my lifeline without it I’m blind I could miss out on something important or a date emergency exit for one of my girls. He can’t even hear through the walls but he has taken away my phone on multiple occasions while I was with Jacob… I really hope he can’t hear through the walls. :/

Number five’s a bit over the top but I do understand where is coming from but Chase doesn’t need to worry about this rule because I know he wont hurt me.

I took off my shoes put on my music then laid my head back onto my sea of pillows.

 “Ella you awake,” I hear dad call out, knocking lightly on my door.

“Yeah Dad come,” I announce sitting up crossing my legs.

“Ella I hope you don’t think I was too harsh on Chase,” Dad asked taking a seat on the end of my bed.

“No Dad I don’t think you that harsh as you have been before,” I answered.

“I know he is a nice boy and will treat you with the respect that you deserve, but you will forever be my baby girl it’s hard for me to accept that you’re now a beautiful young lady and I hope you will treat yourself with the respect you have for yourself. I know that I have missed out on a lot of your life because I was so consumed in my work and for that I am sorry you were always my priority, I work to make sure you and your Mom could have everything you ever wanted. I always tried so hard to make it to every single thing in your life but if I didn’t Mom had me on speaker phone so I could at least hear it. Even if it didn’t feel like it you were my priority;  being a parent might seem easy but it’s not it’s a job in itself I know I am not the best father in the world but wherever I am I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything I love you baby girl,” Dad had just poured his heart out to me which in my entire life he has never done.

“I love you too Dad,” that’s when I noticed tears forming in my eyes this is the first time I remember having a heart to heart to my Dad.

“Don’t cry baby girl you’ll make the angels cry,” Dad says with a small smile, it was a line from a song that Mom and Dad wrote when they were in high school.

It was weird how they met, they had always been interested with each other but they were on polar opposites of the school food chain with Mom being the head cheerleader and everyone loving her while dad was the geek not with buck teeth pimples of big nerdy glasses just really into his studies hoping one day to open up his own law firm which he has now done.

Anyway it was a class they took together and the assignment for the week was to look after a fake baby, act like its parents and guess who got paired up together. That’s right Mom and Dad. As they say, the rest was History.

“Thank you Dad for telling my all of this,” I announce wiping away a stray tear.

“I should’ve done it a long time ago. Give your old man a hug,” he says opening his arms.

I moved closer to him wrapping my arms around him as he did the exact same.

Let’s just say…  I Love my Dad

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