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"Could I go in to meet Park Jimin? I was signed in with Jungkook" I said, setting the paper on the counter
"Huh? Nae? Na-nae..." He nodded getting up from his seat

The door opened and I stepped inside, Jungkook was talking to Jimin. Surprisingly he didn't hear me enter nor did Jimin.

"What do you think you're doing to my sister?"
"Don't play dumb, you hurt her didn't you" Jimin said bitterly
"I have no clue who you're talking about, the only girl I see is Seul"
"You crazy son of a bitch!" Jimin yelled through the phone, blood shot eyes stared deadly at Jungkook
"I met with her just a minute ago, she cried for your dumbass who hurt her so badly, and yet she still loves you"
"Are you perhaps Yeul's brother? That girl that I bumped into yesterday?"

Jimin scoffed, not believing Jungkook who is really forgetting who I am. Jungkook was about to speak, but has stopped hisself when Jimin's attention was drawn to my small figure standing behind him. He stopped and turned around as well.


He rolled his eyes at me, as he got up from his seat and walked towards me.

"You're really getting on my nerves" he said coldly
"Jungkook why didn't you tel-"
"Please step aside and stop trying to ruin my relationship. I'll never betray Seul for you, I don't know what you're thinking but get your mind straight I never can love a women who only steal others"
"Either if I have lost my memory or not, you're never going to replace Seul. Aish... I really pity people like you. You're Jimin's sister after all, no wonder I despise you"
"Jungkook! You crazy piece of shit!" Jimin yelled through the glass, banging on the plastic glass pane

I had notice Jungkook had never hung the phone up, I stared at Jungkook in disgust. tears rushed our my eyes. I really had just lost all my respect for him, I guess I was really nothing important to him after all. I glanced at Jimin and back at Jungkook, before I turned around to leave.


How fucken dare he say that shit to Yeul, my blood boiled looking at the phone he never hung up. I knew that he left it hanging on purpose just so I can hear all his bullshit he pulled on my sister. He smirked, walking closer to me as he picked up the phone.

"Son of a bitch! Rot in fucken hell! Miss me with that bullshit, I should of killed you in the first place!" I yelled through the phone in complete rage

He chuckled heartedly, hanging the phone up and left the room. I scream in anger, as I kicked the counter the officers came in and took me away. I can't help, but to feel the same old monster taking over my body once again.


I was going to pay a visit to Jimin, for his mothers place but I saw Yeul came running out of the place covered in tears. I canceled it immediately and ran towards her, it wasn't until she stopped walking and look at me in fear. To only see blood dripping down her legs, my eyes widen as I pointed.

"Yeul, you're.... You're bleeding" I said, looking at her scare for her life

She slowly look down, holding onto her stomach. She glanced as me, about to say something but suddenly she fainted. I snapped out of whatever, and helped her up like a drunk person. I was shaking, scared that something will happen.

"Yeul, hold on a second arasso!" I yelled, taking her in my car

"Tell me whats wrong with her! Tell me she's going to be okay!" I cried, running with the bed that carried Yeul
"M'am please stay out here and wait" the nurse said, closing the door on me

I panicked, heart pounding against my ribcage. Slowly I settle myself on the chairs, as I got my phone out and called Taehyung.

"Are you crying?" He asked concerned
"Yeul's... In the hospital..."
"What the fuck! Why? What happened?"
"I don't know! Don't tell Mrs. Min... She'll be worried about Yeul"
"I'm coming, i'm coming" he said, hanging up


My heavy lids open, to only be greeted by the hospital room. Besides me sat Seok and Taehyung, I slowly sat up, as they jumped from their seats and approach me. About to say something but the doctor had came in.

"Miss. Yeul?" She asked
"I have news"
"Wha-what is it?"
"I'm sorry to tell you this right when you woke up but it's best for you"
"Go on..."
"I'm afraid, a miscarriage? Due to all the stress you put yourself through..."
"I... Uh... Mis-miscarriage?"

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