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"Could do worst you know" he took my wrist once again, dragging me into the train

Slow steady pace, tiny train track sounds rumbled as we got farther. My eyes shot up to Jungkook's face, which kept cringing cause of the pain on his palm. I was not in my right mind at the moment, I don't even know why I helped him. But I took his hand to my lap, ripping a piece of my tank top under my hoodie apart and wrapped it around his hand.

"Didn't know you had a heart too" he smirked
"You should be thankful I helped a killer like you" I gently pushed his arm, and turned my gaze out the window.
"Don't play around" he whispered, hot breath tickling my ear

I twitched from the sudden sound, and turned my head to meet his handsome face. Only throwing glares.

My eyes fluttered opened, and my head rest comfortably on Jungkook's shoulder. I made a disgusted face, disgusted at my own self falling asleep on his shoulder.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I suggest please remain in your seat before we reach Busan. About 5 more minutes, I repeat 5 more minutes, Thank you"

Just than Jungkook awakens to the tone, he looked from side to side as he rubbed his eyes.

"That was fast" he yawn
"We were asleep dumbass" I rolled my eyes
"Oh really?"
"No shit sherlock" my hand was sent directly straight to the back of his head
"Yah! Michesseyo?" He glared at me deadly as he rubbed the back of his head
"Last time I check the dictionary for crazy it had your name written in there"
"I don't know if I should feel offended or take it as a compliment"
"Either way, works the same" I smirked and kicked his leg out the way so I could get out
"Owh!" He held his leg, cringing in pain

I rolled my eyes on his clingy ass, and reached my hands out. He decides to give me the cut one, gladly I smacked it out the way.

"If you want to get hurt even more i'll gladly take that hand, but if you don't want to then give me your other hand." We stood there for a whole minute, before he slowly takes his other hand out
"We have reached Busan, thank you!"

To mention he was a slow ass, I took his hand harshly and headed out the door.

"Do you have money?" He asked
"20 dollars" I frown
"Never mind, put that away i'll use mines" he winked showing me his wallet

I let out a humorless chuckle and kicked the back if his leg.

"Owh! What was that for?"
"Hurry up and lets go"

He rolled his eyes in annoyance and I swear it was the ugliest shit ever. I could use my chopsticks anytime and throw it straight to his eyeballs. We decided to take a taxi to a nearby hotel, his shirt was covered in blood and so was mines.

"Where would you both want to go?" The driver asked
"Any nearby hotel please" Jungkook replied
"Ahh gurae"

Jungkook handed the driver the money, as we both stepped out the car.

"Kamsamida" we bowed, waiting for the driver to leave
"Take my 20 dollar to help book a room for us" I handed the money over without glancing at him once
"Gurae!" He took it happily

I sat on the edge of the bed still in my same trashy clothes, as Jungkook took a shower. I ruffled my hair in frustration, couldn't even give anyone a call since he threw my phone away. My gaze was turned to the bed where he threw his wallet and phone, I took his phone quickly and dialed Taehyung's number quickly.

"Come on... Pick up, pick up Tae" I panicked, biting my thumb nail
"Tae! Oh shit... Tae?" I lowered my voice down, just incase Jungkook heard
"Yeul? Is that you?"
"Yes it's me"
"Where are you?! Mrs. Min was worried sick about you and you completely ignored me when I called"
"I'm in busan, in Jeje hotel room 127 come get me please... I'm stuck with Jungkook" I plead
"What the fuck?! Why are you with him? Did he do anything bad to you?!"
"No no he didn't, just come get me quick I feel uncomfortable staying in a hotel room with him"
"Aish jinjja, i'm coming. Call me when you need help."
"I can't Tae, he threw my phone away and now i'm using his"
"Shit what the fuck, what crazy bastard?!"
"Just come pali Tae! He's coming out of the shower I have to go bye." I hung up quick and deleted his phone, before throwing it back to place

Jungkook stepped out of the bathroom, ruffling his hair with his towel. I sat on the edge of the bed acting like nothing happened.

"I don't want to owe you more than I already do"
"I'm going to order anyways, black bean noodles? Arasso" he smiled without letting me answer and already is ordering

"Eat it, if you don't i'm going to be sad" he pouted
"Don't do that on me it doesn't work. I'm not hungry"

Just than my stomach growled, Jungkook stopped eating and smirked.

"So that's call not hungry?" He chuckled, continuing to eat
"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and opened the container of black bean noodles

The day went on and i've been waiting for Taehyung. He never showed up until 1:58AM there was a knock on the door. I sighed and walked over to the door.

"I'll get it"

Jungkook was busy doing some other shit so he didn't pay attention. I looked through the peep hole and saw that it was Taehyung, I gasped softly and turned around to see if Jungkook was looking, he wasn't. I slowly opened it and stepped out but was pulled back with a huge hand gripping tightly onto my wrist.

"So this was what you're planning?" Jungkook smirked
"I was not planning anything! Just let me go!"
"I'm not done with you yet, so this little friend of yours can return home alone."
"Don't be a disgrace to your family Jungkook" Taehyung smirked
"Mwo?" He raised an eyebrow
"Let me go" I pulled away and stepped to Taehyung's side

Jungkook only pulled me back quickly, Taehyung was boiling made and swung right at Jungkook. I gasped and jumped in right at the wrong moment and accidentally got slapped in the face from Jungkook. I held my cheek in pain looking at Jungkook in disbelief, he didn't give two fucks and kicked Taehyung out.

"Yeul!" Taehyung yelled, pounding on the door repeatedly

I tried twisting the doorknob but it was locked and felt hands on my shoulder. Throwing me straight to the bed, and crawled on top of me.

Selfish || J.J.K | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now