Chapter 11

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The Secrets Last Stand

:.Hayden's Pov.:

"Dad we need to get moving. Finally got the info we needed. Vincent had a vision." I said, standing in dad's doorway. He sat up in bed and rubbed his face.

"Alright. What's up?" He asked, sleep still in his voice. I never really noticed his routines for when he got up in the morning, mostly because he was hidden in his room but he just sat on the edge of the bed, hands gripping the sheets, like he was trying to face some awful truth. He slept in just his jeans but once he finished with the sheets, he grabbed a shirt from the closet. Ralph always kept clothes here for when people just pop in like we keep doing. He grabbed his hair tie from the dresser and pulled back his shoulder length black hair. I never saw dad with his hair down.

"Hayden, what's up?" He said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, um. Vincent saw Malak and the Council talking. They plan on attacking in three days." I explained. He nodded.

"Then let's not disappoint." He said with a smile, pushing passed me. We walked down to the kitchen and he pulled the coffee out of the cabinet and started brewing a pot.

"I don't understand." I said.

"Look, they know Vincent has visions, I'm sure Kody told them. They knew Vincent would see it so they said three days. Which means they could show up in three days or they could show up in an hour. Get dressed we're leaving as soon as the coffees done."

About two hours later, we were at a big building with a lot of windows. I have no idea where we were so I looked to dad.

"This is the building you were in right before they erased your memories." I looked back at Vincent and he just shrugged. I didn't remember this place, even after my memories started coming back. I only saw faces, not surroundings.

"So what now?"

"I think we should lay low. Just for a few hours." Dad suggested. Great. I thought. Stuck in a car for hours.

"Wait, why don't we catch them off guard? Go in and attack now. They won't be expecting it." Vincent said, poking his head through the chairs. I looked over at dad and he shrugged.

"Alright, let's go."

:.Kody's Pov.:

Malak and I started walking to the Council Room when I thought I heard something. I stopped to hear better but I didn't hear it again.

"Kody, come on. We have to get going." Malak said, catching my attention. As I turned, I thought I saw something, but when I turned back, nothing was there.

"I must be going crazy." I said.

"Kody, get the lead out. Come on." Malak yelled again. I just sighed and followed Malak down the hall and around the corner. Malak pushed open a set of doors in front of us and we walked in. I was suddenly second-guessing my decision to come here.

"Hello, Kody. Malak. Welcome." Revela said, sitting in a big chair behind a high table. Novak sat on her right with the Light Council to her left. The Council for the Underworld sat to the right of Novak.

"Hello." I said, following behind Malak to stand in front of the table.

"The attack is upon us. Do you have any questions?" Novak asked. No one in this room was a day over thirty-five, but you could tell he was old. you could see it in his cold dark eyes. I looked over at Malak and he gave me that don't-you-dare-ask-or-I-will-kill-you glare. So I just shook my head.

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