Chapter 1

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The Secrets Last Stand

:.Kody's Pov.:

When I left Ian last month, I thought I could live without him. I'm slowly learning that's not exactly the case. I wasn't shutting myself off from everyone, but I wasn't exactly myself. I hoped dad nor Hayden noticed because they were super busy trying to get Hayden ready to take mom's place, they don't need to worrying about me on top of everything else. After Loran killed mom, there was no one to run the Light Kingdom. So the Council was slowly taking over and dad was scared we were losing.

"Kody?" I heard dad yell from the kitchen. I got up and walked in.

"Yeah, dad?" I asked. He smiled.

"I have to take Hayden to the house. We should be back shortly." I nodded and went back to the room I once shared with Ian. After a few weeks of whining, dad let us come back to apartment. I went back to work and Hayden worked on her training. I didn't mind that I spent a lot of time alone. I actually preferred it. I didn't have answers to the questions they would ask. The depression hit pretty hard after Ian tried to give me a ring that once meant something that now means nothing.

I heard them leave so I wandered back out to see Vincent had come home. He was watching television, drinking a beer. He was taking this just as bad as I was, Ian was once his best friend until he dislocated my shoulder and almost killed Hayden.

"I wish we could get drunk." He said when I joined him on the couch after grabbing my own beer.

"Wait. We can't?" I askd. He nodded.

"Perks of being a demon. The older we get, the bigger tolerance to alcohol." I smiled and grabbed my bottle.

"Well, thankfully I'm still pretty damn young." With that said, I downed the rest of my beer and went to get another.

After about two hours later, I had downed an entire twelve-pack and Vincent finally agreed to get more simply because I told him if he wouldn't I would. I crashed into bed the best I could but I ended up on the floor in a pile of blankets. I curled up and started falling asleep.

"Kody!" I heard dad yell. So close. I just wanted to enjoy this, I was finally numb. He came in my room and saw I was on the floor.

"Hey, dad." I said, hoping he'd close the door and let me sleep. No such luck.

"Get out here." He said and I could tell he was pissed. I rolled on my back.

"But dad. I'm..."

"Now." Yup, he's pissed. I walked out to see everyone was there, even Lowery and Ralph. When I saw Ralph, I hoped that Ian came, but he didn't. Ian was staying with Ralph after he came around.

"We need to talk." Dad said, crossing his arms over his chest. I didn't want to so I walked back. All the sudden, Vincent was blocking my way.

"Vincent, please move." I quietly said. He just shock his head so I took a deep breath and turned around. I walked over and sat down.

"Kody, you need to get yourself together. We need your to help beat the Council." Dad explained. I looked up.

"Dad I don't think I am of much help, I haven't been this far. I keep screwing up. I'm sorry but I can't." I went to get up but dad stopped me.

"No, Ian keeps screwing up and you got caught in the middle." He yelled and it felt like a stab in the heart which made me flinch.

"Dad, that's not helping. Look, Kody we all love you and we are worried. You aren't acting like yourself. I know you are more than a screw up and deep down, you know it too." Hayden pleaded. I looked at everyone in the room. I sighed and just dropped my head in my hands. I didn't say anything, I just cried and I felt guilty. Here Hayden is, trying to get ready to take over, needing dad's attention and here I am, having everyone worry about me because I'm acting different, taking dad's attention. I didn't want it, I just want to figure this out and I want to do it on my own.

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