Chapter 5

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Return of the secrets

:.Kody's Pov.:

I watched Ian as his face fell, sadness quickly replacing all the happiness that was just there not two minutes before.

"How?" He asked. Dad looked at down at his plate and sighed.

"No one knows. He was found in his new home. We're not sure if it was suicide, if someone did it or if it was just an accident." He explained. Ian just nodded and excused himself. He walked down the hall and quietly closed the bedroom door.

"I'm going to go talk to him." I said. Hayden nodded and dad simply looked at mom who squeezed his hand. I walked back to our room and knocked once before walking in.

"Ian?" He was standing by the window, staring out towards the back yard with his hands in his pockets.

"It was easier when he just walked out. I could hate him. Now I just hate him but I can't fix it. I just..." I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I'm so sorry, Ian." He twisted in my arms and turned to face me. Suddenly his lips were on mine. I was so surprised, it took me a minute to respond. When he broke the kiss, I was left breathless so I just smiled up at him and took his hand.

"I love you, Ian."

"I love you, too."

:.Hayden's Pov.:

Kody and Ian both came back out, hand in hand as Vincent and I cleaned up lunch. They began to help us.

"Davien why are we illegal anyway? You said the Council wanted us gone but why?" Ian asked. I put the last dish away and wiped down the table. Mom and dad walked in and stood in the doorway.

"Well in the beginning when the Council passed the law to make Hybrids illegal, it was because it was unknown and dangerous. And it caused conflict between the two kingdoms. But after a few years, more and more Hybrids came out and the Council thought they would become too powerful. So they outlawed any affairs between the two kingdoms." Dad said. Kody and I had sat down with the boys behind us.

"And when we met," mom started. "We thought maybe we could change things and when we found out I was pregnant I was so sure we could persuade the Council to change the law. But they wouldn't. Not even for us." I could see the sadness in mom's eyes and in dad's as they looked at each other. I nodded once and looked up at Vincent.

"So how do parents hide this? I mean Vincent said in his vision thing that he had his mom but not his dad. We can't be the only ones of our kind." I asked.

"Hayden, a lot of demons die in battles and so do Shades, it's simple to say that a women from either side to say she is pregnant right after her husband is killed. It's perfect timing and people believe it. Other women confess and will give up her child. Some who aren't married admit they had an affair and raise the baby making people believe it's one of them. Novak and Revela believe that you can't mix the two sides. It's wrong and it shouldn't happen but we honestly believe it will end all wars between the two kingdoms." Dad explained. I nodded and excussed myself.

"You guys go hang out. We'll call you out in a little bit." Dad said. The four of us decided to take a walk outside. Vincent took my hand in his and we all walked in silence for a while.

"This is crazy. I can't believe they hate us this much." Kody said. We stopped walking and decided to sit on the grass and just relaxed.

"Well you heard dad, we're powerful. They're afraid of what we can do. We don't even know what we can do." I answered. Vincent chuckled and I looked up. "What?"

"Nothing it's just, we don't even know what we can do. We are feared because we exist but they don't even know anything about us. It could be good, not bad. Depending on who the person is."

"Vincent, they don't fear us, they hate us. They want nothing to do with us. Fear is just a front they use." Ian stated. Kody looked up at him.

"What makes you say that?" She asked.

I remember my father told me that. It's one of the reasons I joined the Renegades." We all fell silent. Pain all over Ian's face, mourning the father he never really knew.

"I'm slowly remembering everything. My father never being around and when he was he showed no interest. Especially after he had to kill my mother. I remember meeting you Vincent, when I was twenty years old and you showed me how it was to be what we are. And then I remember meeting everyone else. I fought so hard to be part of the Underworld and to be normal among everyone around me but now I realize, it didn't matter." He continued. Kody, who was laying against him, grabbed his hand and laced her fingers through his.

"I do too. I keep remembering things, too. Especially when I get my visions." Vincent said.

"You keep having visions, babe?" He looked down at me and nodded. A few days ago, we were living normal lives, doing normal things, and now it's like having a rug ripped out from under us.

:.Kody's Pov.:

A few hours later, dad called us back in. I must have fallen asleep because Ian was shaking me. I stood up and Ian put his arm around my shoulders. I yawned and began walking into the house.

"You okay?" Ian suddenly asked. I put my arm around his waist and smiled.

"Yeah, I think I am. I mean this past year, I felt something was off, missing even. I didn't feel right and now I know why. All our memories were replaced. I find that unfair. And you, you should have been here when your dad died. That wasn't fair to you or him." I looked up and Ian was looking towards the house.

"Yeah, I know." He looked like he was about to say more but dad called us again and we hurried to get to the house. When we did, that guy Ralph was standing in the living room.

"Alright," mom started. "Hayden you're coming with me and Kody you're going with your father." I looked at Ian as he grabbed my elbow, clearly not wanting to let me go.

"Ian, Vincent you two are coming with me." Ralph said. I looked back at mom. I didn't like us all being separated but with the look in her eyes, I wasn't about to argue. Ian let me go but kissed my forehead, then walked over to Ralph, Vincent did the same with Hayden.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to the Underworld, Kody. I need your help." Dad answered. I was about to ask questions but suddenly we weren't in the house, we were in the middle of a crowd.

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