Chapter 12

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Return of the Secrets

:.Kody's Pov.:

"Hayden." I called but she didn't look up she just kept playing with her yo-yo. "Hayden." I tried again.

"What's up?" She asked, finally looking up. She almost dropped her yo-yo but she just clenched her fists and throw Ian back against the wall. He yelled out as he made contact with the hard cement.

"Hayden, don't." I said, getting up and walking over to see if he was okay, which was plainly stupid.

"Kody, are you serious? He hurt you and you're defending him?" She asked as I knelt down in front of him. As I touched his arm, he looked at me and for a second I thought I saw a flicker of my Ian in his eyes but it was gone before I was sure. He suddenly shoved me back and I flew into my chair. I felt it fall under my weight and got the wind knocked out of me when I hit the floor. I was breathing hard when I looked up at him. He was watching Hayden intently and I tried to get up but my side hurt from hitting the chair.

I saw Ian's face and saw that it was completely wrong. You used to be able the kindness that he shared, the love he had for me, for his best friend, for Hayden, even with the two scars on his face, the one above his right eyebrow and the one that led from his cheekbone all the way down to his chin. I only just recently remembered that he got those from fighting the Council last year. But looking at his face now, I saw that there was nothing left of that Ian. He was gone.

"I don't need you to fight my battles for me." He said standing over me, looking down at me. "And as for you, I'm doing what I have to." I looked up at Hayden and even I could see she was getting pissed. She went to stand up but he held her down.

"You may be able to move things, Hayden, but so can I. And I'm stronger. You see, I actually train my powers. I know how to use them, instead of using them as toys and games. Now sit. We're making this quick and easy and everyone goes home." He continued. I looked up at Hayden again. I was truly scared now. He has obviously been using his powers since before he left, because he never used them with us.

"Everyone but us. Do you honestly think you're going to get away with this?" Hayden was trying to stall. So I started looking for anything that could help us. Then I saw my arrows had been knocked on the floor just a few feet from me.

"No, I'll pay for this, but it's a price I am willing to pay to get the Council put in charge. Where they belong." I froze. Did he just say the Council? No, they did this to him? They made him turn against us?

"No, they didn't do anything. They are not the bad guys here. Your parents are." I looked at Hayden who was wide-eyed. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He had to know that's a lie, that whoever is telling him this crap is lying.

"Ian, please just listen okay? Please. Whoever is telling you this, lied to you. They brainwashed you. They are siding with the Council. Please just remember who raised you. Who has been there for you since you were a child. My dad, he was there when your dad wasn't. He is not the bad guy. I swear." I said. He seemed to be ignoring me. He only looked at Hayden.

"Ian, I promise we are not the bad guys here. We are trying to change the laws the Council put in place."

"No, your father put those in place. He is the one who hates us. He wants us gone." Hayden and I looked at each other, seriously confused.

"No, Ian you're wrong." Hayden said, completely calm. He suddenly pulled out a knife from his pocket and I realized I had to do something. I reached quickly for the closest arrow and I stabbed Ian in the leg. He yelled out in pain and grabbed the arrow before yanking it out. He looked down at me, fury in his eyes. He bent down and hit me. I held my check as my vision began to clear. This is not the man I fell in love with, this was some monster that I barely knew. I looked up as Hayden hit him square between the eyes with her yo-yo and he went down. I would have laughed if this were any other situation than it was. Not when he was trying to kill us. She looked at me and motioned for me to get up.

"Did you honestly think we wouldn't fight?" She asked as I stood. I didn't want to hurt him but it was slowly coming to that. I had to get through to him somehow. I stood between the two of them, hoping it would do anything. Thankfully, they stopped.

"Ian please, you have to remember who you used to be. Who you were with me. What you had. How happy you used to be. I love you and I can't change that. I look at you and I see the future. I see everything I ever wanted. I see a life with you. You have to see that too because if you go through with this there is no coming back you can't change it. Please put the knife down and come back to me." I pleaded. He looked between Hayden and I and seemed to be thinking about this, like the old Ian was fighting to get out.

"No." He simply said and went to hit me with the knife but Hayden pulled me back. I heard her yell out as we hit the floor. I looked around and once again found my arrows and stabbed him again, this time deeper so he had a hard time pulling it out. I looked over at Hayden and she was holding her side. I looked down and she was bleeding pretty bad. I couldn't believe it. He actually hurt her. This wasn't happening.

"Ah! You bitch!" He yelled now that he actually got the arrow out. He looked up at me and his face was bright red. He looked like a ravage animal. He started to come towards us and I panicked. There had to be a way to get through to him.

"The ring, Kody. Remind him of the ring." Hayden whispered. She was breathing hard and I could tell I was running out of time.

"The ring!" I yelled. Ian staggered back a step before composing himself. "The ring, Ian. You were going to propose. Think about that." He seemed to calm down as he looked down and took a deep breath. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small box. A ring box. He clenched it in his fist and glared up at me. He then closed his eyes and pointed to the door.

"Get out." I just narrowed my eyes. I was seriously confused. "Get out. Before Loran gets back. Get out. I'm not coming with you and I'm not coming back so just leave." I started helping Hayden up as the door opened. I looked over to see mom and Vincent standing there. Upon seeing Hayden, Vincent ran over and picked her up. Mom just looked, no, more like glared at Ian. He didn't care or seemed to even notice, he just looked at me. I looked him in the eye and saw that the evil Ian seemed to be gone but my Ian still wasn't there.

"Last chance. Leave. Get out." He said. I pulled on Vincent's shirt as he also glared at Ian. I heard Hayden moan in pain and pulled harder. He finally followed but as I turned to the door but we stopped when we saw Loran behind mom.

"Mom! Behind you!" I yelled but I wasn't quick enough. As she began to turn, Loran stabbed her in the back.

"Mom!" I ran forward and caught her before she hit the ground.

"Lillian! No!" I heard dad yell. He grabbed Loran and pinned his arms behind his back. I tried to help mom but she was already gone. I looked up at Ian and he looked sympathetic but nothing else. Dad handed the now arrested Loran off to a security guard and came over to me and mom.

"Dad, I think she's gone." I whispered. He just dropped his head and started sobbing. I looked up at Vincent and he was wide-eyed with shock. No one knew what to do next.

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