Chapter 1: Back Together Agian

Start from the beginning

I finished packing the last of my bags and sitting it to the side, Marie had already cleared out her room. Our small apartment wasn't much but I've grown to know it as home, now she done went and got engaged to her boyfriend but I should have known it was coming I haven't seen so much love between two people before I met them. I can barely afford my rent so the only other option I have is to sell the apartment.

I'm finally finished and thanks to Julian and Marie, plus late night working at the club as a bartender I've paid all my students loans off and I can finally look for a job but that's where the problem comes in. Looking for a Doctor job in this state is slim so maybe going to New York is what I need.

I groaned and looked at the time on my night stand, "If I'm late for this jet Marie will kill me" I mumbled and grabbed my bags before walking out the small apartment that once was my home.


We pulled up to the restaurant and I was so relieved because I don't know how much longer I could've taken Alecie talking my ear off about shit I didn't care about.

She wants me to finish college but that's the thing, I don't know what I want to do. I'm not good at Basketball like Chris nor am I good at Football like Justin. I don't have my head screwed on like Julian and I damn sure am not as ambitious as Alecie so I don't know what I really want to do in life. I have a degree but I don't even know my next step or what to do with the damn thing. So therefore I'll keep doing what I've been doing until I figure it out.

I got out the car and Alecie grabbed me and Chris's hand causing her to stand in the middle of us.

We walked in the restaurant where a very sexy ass Hostess stood.

"Hi, Welcome to Monroe's how many? " she said and sent me a sexy smile.

I licked my lips and smiled, "We have reservations they should be under Combs" Alecie said before I could get her name, I glared at Alecie and she looked up at me with innocence and the hostess nodded.

"Well follow me you other party has arrived already" she grabbed some menus and strutted towards the table and I must say her ass was fat as fuck.

Alecie smacked my head and should her's, "She's a hoe don't fuck with her Langston " she said and we walked to the table.

Mo looked up and she let out a squeal when she saw us, "Oh My God!! " she said as she ran over to us, she jumped in Alecie's arms and they both hugged.

Justin followed behind Mo, and he shook his head.

"Women... " he mumbled, me and Chris laughed as he dapped us up. Soon Mo, pulled away from Alecie and she jumped in Justin's arms.

"Wassup, Big Bro!!" she said and hugged him. He slowly smiled and hugged her back, I shook my head it's funny that after all these years the only thing that can make him smile is Mo and Alecie, since she is his biological sister.

It's also funny that him and Mo are still going strong considering that they both are so damn stubborn, Mo and Justin are the only ones out of the group to actually stay in New York. Justin got a scholarship for football for New York while Mo went Cornell, soon Justin was recruited by The Pittsburgh Steelers and he is the best Quarterback that Pittsburgh ever had, while Mo has he Bachelor's degree in Teaching and she and Justin seen happy together it took them forever to get that way but it finally did happen.

As for Marie and Julian , they broke up for a little while when she went to study fashion in London but she went two year up there and got home sick and decided to go with her second choice USC with Julian and they have been together ever since that actually the reason were back here again because Julian proposed to her two months ago and we're meet up here to get some things straight before we take the trip to Paris we're the wedding is going to be held a month from now Marie wanted us to come home early and do some last minute planning.

"Come on im hungry and I want to hear what my bitch has been up too!" she said and sat down bring Alecie with her. Me and Chris sat in the other side while Justin sat with the girls.

"So What's been up with the love birds! " Mo said and Alecie looked at Chris over her menu.

"We're good..." Alecie said and counties looking at her menu and Chris nodded agreeing

They have been having a few problems with their marriage, you see Alecie can't get pregnant her abdomen is really fucked up because of the shit that happened in her past Chris understands that and loves her regardless but Alecie feels that if she can't give h children he is going to leave her. I know some shit even though me and Alecie don't talk as much me and Chris talk all the time

"What about DJ and Lauren how them brats doing?!" I said trying to change the subject

"The a fucking most, DJ and Lauren have been at our house almost ever fucking day which acceptable for DJ, but Lauren lives in fucking New York! " Chris said

Alecie laughed, "I don't know why he fronting! He loves them kids and spoils the hell out of them!" she said and we all laughed.

I shook my head, DJ is growing up fast though he is almost 12 now. Lauren is like a miniature Alecie, she is now 5 and Chris and Alecie spoil the shit out of them.

"What about Jacob and Alicia how are they? " Mo'nique asked.

Alecie shrugged, "Jacob just celebrated his 17 birthday he tried to invite me but his mom wasn't having that. So I send him money every year for his birthday. Alicia is 9 now and she doesn't know much about me and her mom likes it that way" she said rolling her eyes

Alicia and Jacob are the children of Terrence or Ernest as Richard said his name was. Whoever he was he was a busy man, he had families all over the place but Richard was the one who had to tell them that the man they thought was so great did very bad things and their mother Renee refuses to believe that and she tries to keep them away from Alecie but she wants to be in their life she talks to Jacob and it took him a while to accept it but when he did he actually tries to connect with Alecie but because Alicia is so young she won't understand wants going on completely

The waitress came and took our order and then we continued to talk, it's been a good minute since we all were together.


I got off the jet and their was a person waiting at the bottom for me he held my hand helping me step down and I walked towards a car.

The person nodded in my direction and opened the door for me to get in, I did and as they were loading my luggage in the car I called Pook

"Hellooooo!!" she yelled in my ear and I rolled my eyes

"Hey love I just landed and now I'm in a scary car with a scary man" I said so only she could hear me.

She laughed, "That's James he is going to take you to the house were staying at. That's where your going to meet the rest of the group were waiting for you actually !" she said and I rolls my eyes.

"We'll it good to know " I said sarcastically

"You know what G, I'm going to make sure you get some dick before you leave here !" she said and I laughed , if only she knew that when I leave here I have nothing to go back too .

"You know what Pook I'm going to have fun if it kills me , i need it!"


First chapter is up!!! giving you a little update and the characters and the introduction to Georgia !

Have you guys feel about Georgia

How do you guys feel about Langston

How about Alecie and Chris

How about Marie and Julian getting married!!!!

I know this chapter was boring but there is more to come I just wanted to get this up and get some feed back

-- Byeeeeee

Bubbles 😜😜😜😘😘😘

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