Chapter 29

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The next morning Kianna woke up all sore down in her lady parts she knew Roman would want to go at it again this morning but she really didn't think she could handle having sex with him again. She slowly got up and headed to the bathroom and locked the door so Roman couldn't come in until she was done showering. While Kianna was in their shower Roman got up and noticed that Kianna wasn't in bed with him. He heard the shower on and smiled he walked over to the door and went to open it but it was locked. He was a little upset at the fact his fiancé locked him out of the bathroom he needed to pee and shower too.

"Come on Kianna open the door baby" Roman said.

"No the second I unlock that door you're going to have me bent over in the shower" she said.

"And what's wrong with that" Roman ask.

"Nothing but I just can't Roman I need a break please not right now my pussy hurts to much" she said.

Roman laughed and begged her to open the door, "baby I need to shower too and I have to pee so bad open the door woman" he said.

When she was finished showering she got dressed quickly and she then opened the door for Roman and walked out he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into him. He then kissed her and smack her ass her whole body shook when he did that she definitely couldn't handle any more sex today every muscle in her body was sore.

As Kianna sat on the bed waiting for Roman to finished up in the restroom she glanced down at her engagement ring. She is really happy but can't help but to think that her and Roman are moving too fast and rushing into things but she was ready to start planning the wedding.

"What are you thinking about baby girl" Roman ask as he sat next to her.

"Us and our engagement and me planning our wedding" she said.

"You're really thinking about that your not having second thoughts" he said.

"No no I'm not I'm just ready to start planning that's all" she told him.

"Oh well you know we are in Vegas we could just always get married now and skip everything else" he said sarcastically.

"Oh god no Roman I would never to do that" she said.

After they ate breakfast talked about Kianna's doctor appointment they needed to get to they were watching the news in the lobby of the doctors office. Kianna grabbed Roman by the hand and squeezed it tight because the headline read bombing on Chelsea Street in Manhattan. That was were Kianna lived and she quickly looked at Roman and shocked took over them because all they could worry about was JoJo.

"Roman that's where I live I'm gonna call Sharda now"

They phone rang and rang Kianna was getting worried when she didn't answer right away.

"Hello" the sweet little voice said on the other end.


"Yes hi Kiki"

"Oh thank god are you guys okay where is Sharda"

"Yeah we are fine and Sharda is taking care of uncle Jason he hit his head, can I talk to my daddy"

She handed the phone to Roman and he talked to his daughter.

"Hey princess are you okay"

"I'm fine daddy"

There call ended once they were reassured that everyone was okay and not hurt and that they didn't need to go home. After Kianna saw her Gyno and finally got her new IUD put in she could no longer worry about Roman getting her pregnant until she was as ready to. They drove back to the hotel where they were meeting Roman's cousins for lunch. When they got there they sat and ordered food as they talked amongst themselves when jimmy uso brought up the fact that he over heard Roman and Kianna having sex and they didn't know that he was listening.

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