He nodded at her. 'Have a good time,' he said and was surprised to find he meant it. She nodded and turned to leave.

'See you, Lex,' said Clark as he turned to follow her out.

'Oh, hey, Clark.' Lex wanted to say something like "be careful with her. Bring her back safe". But he knew how ridiculous that sounded. 'I'll see you later,' he said instead.

Clark nodded and smiled, before closing the door behind him.


'You know,' said Pete, 'I almost feel like we're betraying Chloe. Heavy on the almost,' he added sourly as he thought of the object of his affection out on a date with another guy.

Clark smiled. They were waiting in the line at the hotdog counter inside the movie theater. 'What do you mean?' he asked shuffling up the line.

'She's the Vin Diesel freak,' said Pete with a shrug.

'We could see something else,' suggested Kennedy, before sucking on the straw in her soda drink.

Pete shook his head. 'No, I've heard this movie is hot. Besides, I wanna tell her all about it,' he said with a sly scowl. 'You know how she hates it when people turn to the last page of a book before they've even started it? Well, I'm guessing she feels the same about movies.'

'You're going to tell her the ending?' Kennedy gave a short laugh. 'That's just mean.'

Pete shrugged carelessly. 'And your point is...?'

Kennedy shot Clark a wide-eyed look, who gave her a shrug. 'He's upset,' he told her.

'The whole nine yards it would seem. What's the deal?'

Clark leaned in towards her. 'He has a crush on Chloe,' he whispered in her ear.

Kennedy grinned up at him. 'Right,' she said with a nod.

Pete gave Clark a scowl and then shook his head. Clark only laughed. 'You know, Pete, this is just a feeling, but maybe if you asked her out yourself that might just stop her from saying yes to other guys.'

'Clark's right,' agreed Kennedy with a nod. 'You should just tell her how you feel.'

'And you, Clark,' began Pete, 'have no right to talk. You've been skirting around Lana for, how long is it now, years? And, oh, years,' he said dryly.

Kennedy caught the flustered look on Clark's face and grinned. 'Is that right, Clark? Do you have a thing for my manager?'

Clark flushed and shot Pete a quick, hot glare. Pete just grinned. Glad to have the heat taken off of him. 'Well,' stammered Clark. 'I mean, I - '

'What stutter boy is trying to say is, yeah, he does,' said Pete cutting him off mid-flow.

'Pete,' said Clark quietly.

Kennedy smiled. 'She doesn't know?'

'Nope,' replied Pete as they shuffled up the line again. 'And the way he's going, she's never gonna.'

'So why don't you ask her out?' said Kennedy.

'That would be way too easy for my boy here,' Pete said giving Clark a slap on the back. 'Right, my man?'

'It's complicated,' mumbled Clark. 'That's all.'

Kennedy shrugged. 'I can't see how. If you like her you should just tell her.'

'He thinks she wouldn't be interested,' Pete pointed out.

'Are you kidding me? Lana isn't stupid. Or blind,' Kennedy said giving Clark a friendly nudge.

Clark smiled modestly at her compliment and then sighed and shook his head. 'We're just friends,' he shrugged.

'And that's all you ever will be unless you take the plunge,' said Pete.

'Yeah, Clark,' nodded Kennedy. 'You should live for the moment. Carpe Diem.'

'Clark isn't your average seizing-the-day kind of guy,' said Pete glancing at her. 'He prefers to skirt. It's one of the reasons he hasn't had a date in over a year.'

'Hey!' said Clark, mildly hurt. 'There's a reason for that.'

'Yeah. A certain pretty dark-haired one,' said Pete.

'Okay,' said Clark holding up his hands. 'Can we not talk about me anymore?'

Kennedy smiled at him. 'Don't like being the center of attention?'

Pete looked at her and shook his head "no".

Clark sighed. 'I just don't want to talk about Lana.'

'Then we won't,' said Kennedy. He looked down at her and smiled his thanks. She winked at him. 'We'll talk about Pete and Chloe instead,' she added with a grin.

Clark laughed, while Pete just groaned.



Smallville: Telekinetic (Lex Luthor/OFC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now