Forty One

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Thank you guys for the Birthday wishes. I appreciate it. ❤😘 10/14

Third Person

"She straight, Doc?" Aug asked, his voice filled with concern.

"She don't know yet, dang." Cha rolled her eyes.

"I'AN ASK YOU." August raised his voice.

"Lil' boy! I'ma need you to bring it down like seven notches. You on ten for what?"

"You in hea' fa' what? You on my nerves fa' what?" August said bitterly.

He was scared for Yalannah. He didn't know what was wrong with her and he was already jumping to conclusions and freaking out.

"I understand you upset-" Cha tried to speak.

"Maybe you should wait outside." Yalannah butted in. "Aug is really upset and I'd hate to feel like I'm the reason you guys are yelling each other." Yaya spoke lowly and tiredly.

"Okay." Chandra smiled at Yalannah and glared at August before leaving with the girls to go wait in the waiting room.

"Anyways," August said. "About my question." He turned to face the female doctor.

"She's feeling very ill at the moment but I'll run some test to determine exactly what's wrong with her." Doctor Rodriguez spoke before turning to Yalannah who lied down on the hospital bed.

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Rodriguez asked.

"I feel tired, I'm cramping in the lower part of my stomach, I don't have an appetite, I have chills, and I had diarrhea since yesterday."  

"M'hmmm," Dr. Rodriguez nodded while jotting things down. "Was there blood in your stool by any chance?"

"Y-yeah?" Yalannah answered but it sounded more like a question.

"Whatchu' mean yeah?" August turned to face her. "First of all, you'an even tell me you had diarrhea in the first place. I thought yo' ass was throwin' up or some and I'm just now finding out all this?" He shook his head and turned to the doctor before yaya could respond. "Do you know what's wrong with her?"

"I have an idea. I just need to ask her one more question and then run test like I stated earlier."

"Aight." August was growing impatient. He wanted to know what was wrong with his girlfriend and if she would be alright or not.

"What was the last thing you ate before you started feeling those symptoms you mentioned earlier?"

"Gumbo." Yalannah answered.

"Was all of the meat cooked properly?"

"I guess so. It tasted good." Yalannah replied.

"Did you wash your hands before cooking?" Dr. Rodriguez asked.

"She'an cook that gumbo. My sister in law did." August answered since Yalannah was dozing off.

"She should be in the waiting room right?"


"I have to run test to confirm my suspicions, it's either Yalannah's stool or leftover gumbo. I hope she has some leftovers."


*The next day*

"As I suspected, Yalannah has salmonella." Dr. Rodriguez spoke.

"Well how'd she get it?" August asked completely confused.

"Either the meat in the gumbo was contaminated or the cook touched some sort of sea animal without thoroughly washing her hands before preparing the meal." The doctor explained.

Yalannah's August |August Alsina|Where stories live. Discover now