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"Your hair look nice, baby." Chris told me when I walked into our bedroom. I had just got back from Yaya's Hair Salon.

"Thank you." I told him while changing my clothes.

"Where is Ro?" I asked him for our child.

"She sleep."

"How long has she been sleeping? I don't want her keeping us up all night." I frowned.

"She just fell asleep, Nelle. Relax."

I sighed, instantly relieved.

"We need to talk." I said while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"About?" Chris urged.

"My brother. I'm going to ask you something and I need you to be honest."

"Stop beating around the bush, Nelle. What happened with Michael?"

"He's fucking Raylene. Did you know that?" I asked, staring at him.

"As In your bestfriend Raylene? August girl? That Raylene?"

"Yesss, Christopher." I stated, already aggravated.

"Nah, I didn't know that."

I looked at his face for signs of deception but he was being honest.

"So does Michael know that Raylene has a man?"

"How ima' know that? I didn't even know he knew her to be honest. He my bestfriend and Aug my other bestfriend. They don't know each other. Maybe it's a big ass coincidence."

"Michael knows Raylene because of me. I want to know if he knows about August dating her. Raylene so fucking slimy, what a scheming bitch. Can't believe I was friends with her."



"What she did to you?"

"She didn't tell me she was having sex with my brother, plus she a cheating hoe. She's only with Aug for his money."

"I never liked her to be real, but she got Aug nose wide open apparently so I just left it alone. And if she ain't tell you, how you found out? I know Michael ain't tell you if he ain't tell me."

I explained how I found out to him.

"We gon have to tell Aug." Chris stated.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause if I don't tell my nigga, he gon think I knew all along that Michael was sleeping with Raylene."

"I get that, Chris. I'm scared though."

"Scared of Aug? Why? He ain't  gon hurt you."

"I'm scared for my brother. You know how Aug is. He's a hot head from New Orleans. I don't want him to hurt Michael."

Chris contemplated. "It depends on if Michael knew she was taken."

I nodded. "We gon find out tomorrow. We got to make a couple of house trips."

My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller id. I scoffed and threw my phone on the bed.

"Who calling you?"

"Raylene bitch ass."

"You not finna answer?"

"I thought I told you I don't fuck with her anymore."

"Does she know that?"

"Not yet, imma tell her about herself real soon though."

Chris chuckled. "You a trip."

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