Thirty Two

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"Where are we going, August?"

"Ever since Kaliyah died you been out of it. I just wanna bring a smile ta your face again. When you'an happy, I'an happy. I lost my brotha', I know how it feels ta lose someone but you have ta continue livin'. She wouldn't want you ta be so sad."

The thought of losing her brought tears to my eyes. I cried so much at the funeral. Seeing my childhood best friend laying in a casket and seeing her three year old son trying to wake her up is the most saddest thing I ever seen.

"I can't believe she's dead." I cried.

It happened a month ago. It was now June but that memory is so fresh in my mind. I don't smile as much. I'm not happy. I've been kind of standoffish to August and I felt terrible about it. I just couldn't bring myself to talk to him or anybody. I just stay at home and pet Pookie all day long.

Kaliyah was literally the same age as me. Way to young to die. She has a young son that will be growing up without a mother. Her mother is distraught. Even my sister and mother are sad about it but I'm taking it the hardest.

It's such a difficult position to be in. I had the right to hate her and stop associating with her because she betrayed me, but at the same time I wish I would have forgiven her sooner so that I could have spent more time with her, then again she didn't reach out to me until she was dying.

I know my family, friends and boyfriend are worried sick about me and they're trying to get me to move on. I need to let them back in and move on.

I love you, Kaliyah, I do. You will always be in my heart but I have to forget about you now. Goodbye, Ex-bestfriend. See you at the crossroad.

I dried my tears. "I'm sorry."

"For what? Cryin'? It's straight, love. Every rose needs da rain sometimes."

"No, I'm sorry for being so Anti-social ever since the funeral. All you did was try to console me and I continuously pushed you away. I am so sorry." I breathed out.

"It's okay. I was worse when I lost Mel. I get it, even doe you hurt my feelins a couple times."

"I'm really sorry."

"Stop apologizin."

"Okay." I giggled.

"It's good ta hea' you laugh again." He parked into some parking space.

"Where are we?"

"You'll see." He smirked.

We walked for a while and headed into some place. August signed some papers and gave the lady cash.

Then a young boy, around eighteen years old, escorted us to the back and that's when I got excited.

I seen stables with a bunch of horses inside.

"Horse back riding!? Oh my god!"

"You didn't know?" The boy asked.

"I had no idea."

We got inside where the horses were and I stared at them in awe.

"Pick one." The boy laughed at me.

"What's your name?" I asked him.


"They are all so pretty, Julian." I walked around looking at the different horses.

"Which one are you riding?" I turned to August.

"Dis one." He gestured to a light brown horse with a black nose.

Yalannah's August |August Alsina|Where stories live. Discover now