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I was watching my niece, Callie, for my brother Trav. Chris was chilling with me in the man cave, we was watching football. Callie stood on my lap and she kept pulling on my beard.

"Ouch mama, that hurt." I told Callie in my baby voice.

Chris looked over at me and laughed. "Ro use to do that same shit."

"She stopped doe, right?" I asked hopefully.


I sighed in relief.

"Only because she learned how to pinch and punch."

"Damn." I frowned.

I focused on the game. Saints was playing against the 49ers and we were tied right now. I picked up my Heineken and took a slug and next thing I know, 49ers scored a touch down.

"What tha' fuck, bruh?" I mumbled while Chris jumped up and started Moonwalking.

He was rooting for the 49ers to win and obviously I wanted the New Orleans Saints to win but they folded on a nigga.

It was fourth quarter and there was only thirty seconds left on the clock so I knew we had lost. Collin Kaepernick, the 49ers quarter back, just took a knee.

"Man, moonwalk yo' ass out my house."

Chris bursted into laughter. "Pay up first, nigga."

I huffed and stood up placing Callie on my hip while I dug in my pocket for a hundred dollar bill and handed it to Christopher. He held it up pretending to check if it was real.

I straight faced him.

"Aug, you know I'm fuckin' witchu. I got a question, though."

I cut the tv off and gave Chris my attention.


"You feeling lil' shorty ain't you?"

I kept my face expressionless.

"Who you talkin' bout, woe?"

"Yaya." He said in a duh tone.

"Nah. Shawty just a client of mine." I shrugged.

"She more than a client to you, August. Look who you talking to, cut that bullshit out."

"You right. She cool peoples.  Das' my lil' potna. I'an feeling her doe."

"Yes you is. You should've seen y'all at the baby shower a few weeks ago. Stevie Wonder could see the chemistry."

I rolled my eyes. I wasn't trying to hear all that.

"I have to go get Ro tho."

He dapped me up and then gave Callie kisses on her forehead before heading out.

Am I feeling her? Even if I was I ain't ready to fuck with nobody like that. She cool peoples like I said before and if we can chill every now and then on that level. I'm cool with that.

A hour or something later Travis came by to pick up his daughter and I decided to make Yalannah's Hotline Bling.

"Hello?" I heard her sweet voice answer, causing me to smile.

"Wassup, dis Aug."

"I know it's you, Aug. Your number is saved."

"Is dat right?" I smirked while playing with my chin hair.

She giggled. "Don't start being cocky."

"I can't start somethin' I'an neva' stopped. But listen, I was wonderin' if you would kick it with a nigga."

"Today?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I mean unless you busy."

"I wish I could but-"

"But what?" I frowned. "If you'on wanna' go say no!" I snapped.

"I'm at the hospital." She whispered, barely audible.

"You where!? You good?" I started freaking out and feeling like an asshole.

"I'm fine." Yaya assured me. "I'm just here because Yolanda's water broke. Our parents are on their way but I don't think they'll be here by the time Rolanda is born. They have to drive for hours and she's already 7 centimeters dilated."

I sighed in relief that yaya was okay. "Well I hope Yoyo has a safe delivery and that her and the baybeh are fine afterwards."

"Thank you, August. I'll tell her you said that. Can I have a rain check?"

"Of course. Let me kno' when you ready, Aight?"


"And send me a pic of baybeh Ro when she born."

"I will. Bye." She giggled.

"Later." I hung up



I was in the waiting room along a with Jaylen, Jordan and Jordyn. Chanelle stopped by earlier but she'd be back after the baby was born.

My parents bursted through the door and rushed over to me.

"She didn't have her right?"

"Not yet."

Just then a doctor walked over to Jordan telling him that Yolanda was ready to push so they took him to go get sanitized. I held Jordyn who was sleeping because it's 11:30 p.m, way past her bedtime.

Depending on how quick Yolanda's able to push, the baby might be born today or tomorrow.

I'm so anxious to see my niece. I know she's going to be just as precious as Jordyn was. To keep my self entertained, I watched peoples boring snapchat stories.

It was 12:15 A.M. When Jordan finally came out with a kool-aid smile.

"She's so gorgeous." Jordan cheesed making me and my parents smile.

"They let Yoyo hold her for a minute and then they took her to get cleaned up. After they check her and make sure she's healthy we can all see Yoyo and Ro."

I texted Chanelle that the baby was born and she said she was on her way.

45 minutes later Chanelle arrived and we were all able to go into the room that they moved yoyo to some she had her baby already.

I hugged my sister and I looked down at Rolanda who was snuggled up in the hospital baby blanket.

I gushed. I instantly pulled out my phone snapping multiple pictures of her by herself and with her mommy.

Her eyes were closed but I know the color already. My parents and Chanelle started talking to Yo and I texted the pictures to Aug and he instantly texted back.

Wow, that baybeh so beautiful. Ya fam got good genes.

I blushed and texted him thank you.

Even though, Yo went into labor like a week early, everything was perfect and I was beyond thankful.

The nurse came in to find out her name and start making her birth certificate.

On December 18, 2015 Rolanda Yalannah was born, weighing exactly 7 pounds.


I love when Aug is with Callie. She will definitely be throughout this book.

Drake needs to hurry up and drop vft6, like I'm soooooo ready. 🙏

- Danielle Alsina 😌💕

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