Friends? Friends...

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"Let the boy be...he's just 5" Juvia hit Natsu a glare, standing up from in the bushes. "Storm baby!" she yelled, running towards the lake. "Storm!!" Natsu stood up and walked after her "Drama queen.."

"Storm!" Juvia ran in the water, diving under. "Guess I have to take Nashi as where is that girl.." Natsu mumbled, looking around the lake, in search of a little boat.

He gasped when he saw Juvia's head popped up from in the water. "Storm!!" the mother yelled, looking around. "Storm!!" she dived back under the water, swimming away from Natsu who was looking around. "Nashi!!!" he yelled.

And there on a boat was Nashi who was busy paddling. "Now where is home.." the pink hair girl mumbled, looking around but stopped when she heard someone calling her name from a distant away. "Nashi!!!" the voice yelled and her eyes widened. "Daddy!!" she yelled.

"Daddy I'm right here!" Nashi waved, seeing a standing figure from away. "Dad-" "Aha!" a voice shouted and Nashi screamed when she saw a little hand holding on to the boat. She sighed in annoyance when she saw Storm's head popped up from above the water.

"I thought you were dead" Nashi mumbled. "Not yet..I'm too young to die" "Hey hey hey!" Nashi yelled when he climbed himself in the little boat.

Storm came on the boat and stand up, panting. "See, now you have the boat all wet" Nashi groaned. When Storm caught his breath, he looked at Nashi "Are you crazy!" he yelled. "Yip" Nashi smiled, nodding her head. "We got to get back to mom and Natsu now come on give me that" he stretched his hand for the paddle but Nashi kept it out of his reach.

"Hey I said give it" "No..I want you out this boat now so I can paddle far away from you" "As if" Storm scoffed, sitting down and folding his arms "I ain't going no where" "I knew you were gonna say that" Nashi fold her arms as well, glaring at the boy infront of her.

"You know I don't understand you-" "Don't talk to me" Nashi said and Storm sighed "I swear you girls are a pain in the-" "In the what Storm?"

He sighed, looking away from her. "As soon as I see Aunt Juvia, I'm telling her what you called me" "And what will she do? I don't get hit" Nashi glared at him. "I hate you Storm" "I hate you too" they glared at each other then at the lake.

"How long are you planning to just stay here?" Storm asked "I don't know just thinking about the consequences I may face if I kicked you out the boat" "Me too.." Storm rubbed his chin.


"Storm!-" "Juvia!" "Storm!" "JUVIA!" "What Natsu!" the blue hair woman yelled, glaring at the dragon slayer besides her. "Storm's on the boat, look" he gave her binoculars and Juvia snatched it from him, putting it on and looking around the lake. "Oh..there he is.." she sighed with relief once she saw her son sitting on the boat with Nashi.

"Natsu...they're safe" Juvia smiled. "Duh..and thanks to you I have no chips left..see" Natsu said, shaking the empty pack in his hand.
Juvia just sighed at him "How does Lucy put up with you?"


"La la la la la.." "Can you sto sing, the rain will fall" Storm said, looking up at the sky. "Tch" Nashi scoffed. "I say the truth" "Can you get out the boat now?!!" "No" Storm said calmly, observing the paddle in Nashi's hand. Nashi followed his gaze and rolled her eyes. "I'm not paddling if you're gonna continue to be on the boat"

"You're a savage"

Nashi smirked "A savage indeed"

This little wrench!

This idiot! ...will Aunt hate me if I throw Storm in the water?...hmm

1 Hour later..

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