Ch.1 Central Park

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(Not edited)

10:46 a.m. Im sitting in my squad car patrolling my regular route around the Central Area. With my laptop opened, I scanned the screen that showed the whole area. I actually enjoy my job even though it's dangerous and difficult.

If you havent guessed already, Im a police officer. Matter of fact when i get this promotion I'll be chief.

Getting tired of sitting in the cramped squad car, I get out and stretch before putting on my shades and leaning on my car. As im looking around the area a brught yellow ball rolls and hits my tire. I look in the direction that the ball came from. The children run towards me with bright smiles.

"Hello miss...." the little girl squinted her eyes and rose on her tippy toes to read my name tag.

"Delano. Would you please pass me that bright yellow ball right there??" she asked tilting her head.I smiled at the cute little girl in front of me

"Sure you can have your ball back but......I have to play with you" she nodded and grabbed my hand pulling me along with the other kids.

"Okay what game are you having me play??"

"Kickball! You know how to play??" i nodded. The children ran to their places and the little girl which i later learned was named sarah,rolled the ball towards me.

I kicked the ball softly and started to run to first base.I laughed at the kids as they roared and cheered as i ran. She rolled the ball once more and the next kid kicked and i began to run to second base. Before the third child got a chance to kick the ball, i get a call on my radio saying they need me back at the station

"10-4" i say into the radio. I turn to the children who had confused looks as to Why I stopped the game. I really didn't want to go honestly.

"Well. It seems like i have to end the game. "They all started whining

"It literally just started!"little Sarah whinned

"But my work never ends. Don't you want all the bad guys gone?" she nodded.

"Go and get all the bad guys. But you have to finish our game. We come here everyday to play so if it isn't tomorrow or the next day, you will still see us..bye be safe" i waved off the kids and went back to my car.

I drove back to the station quickly still that maybe i could finish my game of kickball. Yes i know I'm too old to be playing childish games but the children seemed happy up until i had to leave. I walked inside the station and i headed towards the meeting room. I opened the door to be greeted with smiles and waves.

"Officer Delano. Glad you could join us" my boss added.

"I hope whatever it is that you all called me here for is important. You inturrupted a game of kickball"i said walking around to my seat. He chuckled and turned to the board.

"The reason why i called you all here is cause of this.." he pressed a button and an image of prostitutes popped on the screen.

"These children are being forced into prostitution. Reports say they are no older than 15." i raised my hand and once he aknowledged me i spoke.

"Technically this isnt our job. Our job is to get the BIG trouble makers that might actually cause harm. That is what us special advanced corps officers are trained to do. Prostitution amungs young females forced or not forced is up to the normal units to take care of. We need to focus on the illegal deals,on-sight kidnapping and other mafia related intel" he nodded and so did the others

"Yes i know that. These arent just any normal prostitution. These girls are being used for mafia information. They specifically target men connected to the mafia in order to get information from them and returm for whomever they are working for. Delano your job-"

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