Chapter 13: Feel me, Feel you

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Julio and I drank our morning coffee together as we watched Ember and Talia sleeping  on the couch. The two have become even closer since the first day they arrived here. Last night they insisted that we let them have a 'mommy sleepover' and sure enough they did which resulted in Julio and I taking the bedrooms upstairs. They stayed up all night giggling and talking about whatever it is that pregnant women talk about. And now look at them.. Snoring their lives away surrounded by snack wrappers and pillows. It's a beautiful sight really. 

Julio chuckles to himself as we both take in the scene in front of us. 

"Beautiful isn't it?" he said taking a sip from his cup.

"Beautiful indeed" 

We both walk over to our partners and place a kiss on their foreheads before collecting our things to leave for work for the day.  Julio and I Gather the piles of snack wraps and throw them away before we head out. I glance one last time, at Talia, beautifully sleeping, and head out the door. If you would've told me I would be living my best life with a wonderful woman and a child on the way I would've told you you're lying. I believe that I am very lucky.  Most men would dream to be in the position I am in. 

Talia and I will be the setting stone for every couple. We will be the foundation of what a healthy family should be like. And with that, I'll protect her for life. Even after she becomes my wife. She won't have to worry about anything as long as she's with me. Even if, God forbid, we don't last, she still won't have to worry about anything. As long as I am living, she will be taken care of. Her and the baby. I never realized how busy I was in a single day alone. Every single second I'm away from her, it feels like time slows down tremendously  and I hate how much I am away from her. I hope she isn't feeling neglected.

"Dude are you even listening to me?" Julio says plopping a vanilla folder onto my lap as he gets inside the car.

"I'm sorry I was distracted." 

" What's on your mind? You know you can talk to me about anything right?" 

"Yes I know brother, it's just that.....You don't think we're spending too much time away from the women do you?" Julio nods slowly and takes a deep breath.

"I've been feeling like that too however, work is important and I'm pretty sure they know that. And are they technically alone? They've been stuck to each other like glue-"

"And they're both pregnant-"

"Technically it's four of them hanging out together then." 

We both look at each other and burst into laughter. With our new home being built and our families preparing for our families to unite, we've been super busy handling business. It has been very stressful on us especially since we haven't been with our women as much as we want to. Not to mention my father is still roaming around somewhere with the intent on hurting Talia and it has me highly paranoid. If something were to happen to her I would never forgive myself.

Talia POV

We woke up to our surrounding area cleaned and the men gone. I've heard that its normal for it to be this busy around this time so them working a lot doesn't really bother us. There was a knock on the door before it opened. 

"Francis!" I say hopping up and running toward him with Ember not too far behind. 

It's been a minute since we've really seen Francis. Ever since he got shot he's been recovering and out of the way and honestly it's good to have him around. 

"How are you feeling?" 

"Like I've been shot but yk it could've been worse. I could've been shot by my ex" He said walking in and walking straight to the fridge.

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