All I give

253 18 4

*This part has minor mistakes and has not been editied yet. Please excuse any grammatic errors you may come across.*



I woke up remembering the events from yesterday.

He asked me to stay.

And I didn't deny him. I understand whats its like to miss a child. I feel as if he opened up about his feelings for the first time in forever. I guess i kinds view marliano as a friend. Yeah, a friend.

I get out of bed and i head for the shower. Once I get out of the shower, I. Put on a red sheer shirt with black jeans and i put my hair in a ponytail.
I hear the door open behind me and i look in the mirror to see who it is.

"Good morning talia" Marley said.

"Good morning. Is everything okay?" I ask putting my earring on.

"Yeah I was just checking in. Breakfast is ready"  he said. Hm....somethings up.

"Alright ill be down in a minute." He nodded and closed the door. Wonder what that was about.

I headed downstairs and I noticed there was extra men posted in the hallway, at the entrance and plenty in the back garden maze. I got to the dining hall and sat next to marliano.

"Is it just me or are there more men than usual?" Marliano gave me a confused look.

"No. The numbers are still the same. Are you still tired or something?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"Nevermind. Maybe it is just my imagination." I began eating and notice how marliano is kinda tense.

"Are you surr everything is okay?" I asked. He nods.

Once I finish eating i get up and take my plate to the kitchen. There were new cameras installed. Maybe they were already there? I go back upstairs and put on my shoes and get julio amd too the two who lm were assigned to me.

"Marliano im gone" he stood quickly

"Where are you going?"

"Remember? I'm going to the plaza to question a woman? Are you okay marliano? You're acting diff-"

"Very well. Take two more gaurd with you just in case. You never know Who is around." I picked two more gaurds and we left.

When we arrive at the plaza there is a decent amount of people here. I spot the woman I'm supposed to question. I approach her quickly flashing my badge.

"Police. You're coming with me" she put her drink down and came with me easily.

"U-um. My name is-"

"I already know your name. Tell me what do you know about the bochetti invasion?" Her eyes grew wide.

"That happen almost 2 year ago. I have nothing to do with that. I took no part in that."

"I didnt ask you that I askes you what you knew"

"If I say something I'm dead okay?"

"If you don't say something,I'm taking you to torelli and then you're dead so I guess you die either way now tell me what do u know about it.

Marliano P.OV
They've only been gone for an hour but im nervous.

"Where are they"

"We dont know sir. We lost them in the crowd. We are still looking for them though" I send extra men to watch them just incase the four men I sent with her was unsuccessful. I need her to be as safe as possible.

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