Then so be it

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Marliano's P.O.V
"So you're still not talking to me." Talia who was reading through papers and pictures not looking up or acknowledging me.

"So you're just gonna act like im not here" she still continues to scroll through the pictures and files.

"Fine then since you want to ignore me. Don't ask me for anything" she never acknowledges me but instead acts as if I'm a child bickering .

I slowly start to get irritated and I stand up furiously walking away from the area.

Talia's POV
I don't care. Whatever bullshit he is saying I honestly am not paying attention. He's been trying to get me to speak to him for some time now and I'm not giving in. One thing I don't appreciate is being lied to or things being kept from me especially if I trust that person. I just don't go for it. Zero tolerance.

"Julio can you do me a favor and send these to  the office please. " he mumbles a 'no problem' before standing with the files in his hand.

"Julio stay right there. Why couldn't you ask me to take them?" Marciano's asked.

"Because I asked Julio to."

"But I'm right here literally in front of you-"

"And so is he-"

" You could've chose me but you chose him what's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem stop trying to start with me."

"I'm not trying to start I'm just asking a simple question"

"And I Gave you a simple answer so I guess we're both even" we glared at each other for while before Julio cleared his throat catching our attention.

"Okayyyyyy..... how about I leave these here and one of you take it? I don't wanna get caught up in this cat fight here" he said plopping the files on the desk and walking out closing the door.

There was a silence between us that was thick with tension. I broke eye contact and looked down at the ground. I could feel his eyes on me yet, I still hadn't acknowledged it. I turn away from him in my seat and try to hide the hurt on my face. Marliano sighs and stand up.

"Talia come here" I ignore him and turn away further

"Come. Here." He says again but softer and pulling me up out of the chair.

"Tali's look at me" i turned my head trying to keep myself from crying.

He placed his hand underneath my chin and gently turns my head so That I would be looking at him. A tear rolled down my face and I can see guilt fall upon his.

"I'm sorry Talia. From the bottom of my heart, I truly am. " he said looking me deep in my eyes causing me to cry more.

"You lied to me Marliano." I say, with broken words.

"I know..."

"You hide things from me"

"I know...."

"You do all the things you tell me not to do"

"I KNOW TALIA" he says loudly. He grabs both of my hands and brings them to his chest.

"I'm sorry that I lied to you,I'm sorry that I kept that from you. I'm sorry that I do everything to you that I don't want you to do to me.. I'm sorry. I just thought that if you didn't know, you wouldn't have to worry every time you go somewhere. I just want you to feel safe. It was a stupid thing to do I admit it and I'm sorry. Please...." he wiped my face from every tear that he saw.

"Forgive me" he said with guilt flooding his eyes like a whirlpool. I look away in thought.

"Stop hiding things from me. We're supposed to be partners.... I considered you to be my bestfriend marliano. But the lies and the secrets have to stop. Here and now" I say loud and clear.

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