A little too much

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Getting up this morning was a little awkward. With what happened yesterday, I didn't know how to properly apologize to Marley. We woke up this morning as if nothing ever happened but personally, I feel terrible about the things that I said to him. For now I'm just gonna pretend like nothing happened.

After I eat breakfast ,I decide to head to the office since I already missed a few days of work. I sit in the chair waiting on marliano to come inside. Once he enters,he sighs dramatically.

"What happened yesterday is over with. Stop making the vine weird" he says closing the door behind him.

I dont respond but instead just nod. He sits down across from me and starts to click away at the computer.

"Yknow the banquet is coming up soon." He starts.

"Yeah..we will finally be face to face with bochetti huh"

"Yup.... " he says trailing off.

"Look, we will be ready when the time comes but for now, we need to focus on getting more info."he nods and the convo ends short.

Unknown P.O.V
Anticipation is killing me. I dont like to wait this long. My men on the inside arent reporting back, hopefully Torelli didnt kill them.

"Any word on Torelli?"

"None yet sir. We are still waiting for a response"

" page them. Tell them if I dont have intell on that girl y the end of the day, its gonna be a major problem" she mumbles a 'yes sir' before walking off.

The ball is in a month and I am entirely to ready. Knowing the type of man that Torelli is, he is gonna give her up for his daughter. Ugh, I wish cause this little bitch is really annoying. I have my maids tend to her I dont bother.

I grow angry and decide to page Torelli myself. He answers after a few short rings.

"Ahhhh Marlliano, what a nice day isnt it?"

"What the fuck do you want bochetti.."

"Oh nothing. Besides the girl" he glares

"Fuck you."

"Ahh ah ahhhh. I dont think that's the way to talk to someone especially if they have your daughter. If you want her to live, I advise you watch your tone. She does misses her daddy after all"

"If you even so much as to lay a finger on her you're DEAD"

"OUU threats. They can only take you so far. See you at the banquet" I hang up the line and sit back in my chair.

I'm gonna get that girl,she's gonna open the great safe, and I'm gonna have everything I need to take the Torelli family name to the fucking ground. And I'm gonna make him watch his whole world crumble to pieces. Then I will own northern italy.

It all will be mine.

Marliano P.O.V

I throw the computer to the wall in a fit of rage.

"Marley.... Calm down-"

"Calm down? He's taunting me Talia! Hes disrespecting me! If he's getting away with it,other people are gonna think that it's okay to disrespect me too and I'll be damned if I let that happen." She places her palm on her forehead and sighs.

"Hes trying to get you to retaliate sooner than you have to so he could have a reason to kill your daughter. Dont fall into the trap Marley. "

Shes right. If I come for him,my daughter is as good as dead. I cant let that happen.

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