Where It All Began(Pt.3)

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I ended up staying till Christmas of course. My belly had grown even larger and Enso and I have grown even closer. Francis agreed to take Enso's work load while he tended to me, making sure everything was in order and must I say, he hasn't skipped a beat. Making sure I'm not stressing, making sure I'm eating right, present at every appointment the whole 9.  It has been harder to control my anger. Out of every other emotion, that one is the most difficult.

I decided that I would stay after the baby comes but it ended up being a trap. Enso kept me here at the estate with him, so he could keep an eye on the baby and I. He also took my phone and laptop so I couldn't work. He assured me that he made sure everything was fine in which of Course I believe him.  After all, I did appoint him CFO of my businesses since it was his money that started it to begin with. One eat we all eat.

Enso and I are cuddled together watching a movie as his hand rubs my belly. I don't think he realize he does it its kinda muscle memory in a way. 

"Were you happy there?" He randomly asks. I shrug.

"I was happy, yes. But I believe that happiness was one sided. So it was true happiness, just fake in a way" His tone is serious.

"Do you still love him? Was he a good lover to you?"  Why is he asking me these things?

"He was the first guy that I ever been with. It hurts the way things turned out. I just wish I would have waited, for someone who truly deserved it. For someone who truly deserved me." I feel myself getting extremely sad. 

Enso kisses my belly and then my hands. 

"If the love isn't real, then none of it counts. One sided love isn't sex, its usage.  That's is an important thing, you saved yourself of someone you trusted. It's not your fault they were faulty. saving yourself is wise" I look at him and think. I squeeze his hands and studies his face.

"Enso are you... are you a virgin?" He chuckles softly.

" I am" He says, smiling gently.

"I want that experience to be exactly that......an experience. I won't tie my soul to random women. I only want that connection with one person only" I am in shock.


Anybody would take one look at him and automatically guess he has hella girls throwing themselves at him let alone how many women he might have brought home. Hearing that he is a virgin make some even more interested in knowing about the way he thinks. It's truly beautiful.

"You are truly a rare breed. The way you think is beautiful. And you honestly is one to love" I tell him.

The fact that he isn't embarrassed to tell me that shows that he is proud of who he is and stands by his morals.

"I don't love him anymore.. But I am falling for you" I admit. His eyes widen but he doesn't speak.

"I am afraid. I don't know where this will go or how it will turn out for me.  I don't want to get hurt agin let alone hurt you because of my trust issues.....I'm sorry I can't do this right now" I Stand and begin to walk off, but my hand it caught by Enso.

'"I would never hurt you Talia.  Don't deny the way you feel about me. I may feel the same way-"

"Well do you?"

"Yes." He answers with a straight face. I could tell he wasn't kidding.

"B-but I'm pregnant with another man's child-"

"It takes more than just putting a baby inside of something to being a father.  As far as I'm concerned the way I feel isn't changing. You're carrying my child, consider him a sperm donor." I stare at him in disbelief.

"I saved myself for a woman like you. Please, stay with me. Be my girlfriend-"

"Enso stop-"

"PLEASE. The environment here is nice. There are no women that catch my attention other than you. There are no exes, or loose unimpressive women looking to give you a hard time. My father adores you along with my brother. I will give you the world if you just let me!" he pleads. 

My heart feels heavy and I been to cry.  I don't know why the tears are flowing but they are. I guess you can say that...

It's the first time I actually felt....

True love from a person.

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