I promise

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Marliano's P.O.V
"Why did you try to kill Talia "

"Im an assassin. Thats my job.. Even though my job was to kill you,I've been reassigned "she said leaning back in the chair. I glare at her.

"Why were you ordered to kill me. Are you working for bochetti?" She smirked.

"Indeed I am..have been about six years now" She crossed her arms and sat back in her chair with a smirk on her face.

Her face was swollen, bruised and scratched up. Her eye could barely open. Talia really did a number.

"why talia?" i asked.

"The same reason you grabbed her"

"I grabbed her cause she was a witness to a attempted murder and I didnt need witnesses, ESPECIALLY a cop" she laughed

"Woow. So you really dont know? You truly are stupid" her head turned violently as my hand made impact with her face.

"Tell me. WHY. ARE. YOU HERE"

"I was supposed to kill YOU ,but then Talia became my main priority. No matter how hard you try Bochetti will always be 10 steps ahead of you." She leaned up and looked me in the eyes.

"You will Never....Get your daughter back"

"SHUTUP!" Gianni kicked her in the face sending her and the chair crashing to the ground .

"Tell us now!" She spit  blood out of her mouth.

"No food, no water. starve her. I want her to fucking starve. That's until she decides to talk.........if she talks still kill her." Gianni then walked out as the guards closed the door.

"We will get her back" he hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Thank you"

Talia's P.O.V
I've been in my room ever since she tried to kill me. I dont don't really trust anybody I just want to go home. A year rolled down my face as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"You okay?" Julio stood in the door frame.

"Im fine" I wiped my face and sunk further into the bed.

"Must be hard living the life of a criminal huh?" He had a soft smile on his face.

"It's gonna be over soon. I'll make sure after this is over you'll go home" I roll my eyes.

"He'll never let me go, especially a cop" I look down.

"Y'see.." he gives a deep sincere smile . He came and sat beside me.

"Do you understand why we do the things we do??" I didn't answer.

"Most of us are born into this while the rest choose to. Take our current situation for example. Marliano's daughter was taken. Now he has to do drastic things in order to get her back. Do you think we want to kill people? We do what we do to protect our own. People always look down on us criminals without caring about why we commit the crimes we do. Now that you are in our shoes,maybe you'll become as determined as the rest of us to do the right thing. Officer young." And with that, he stood and left the room.

I have to admit I never did think about it that way. I understand where he's coming from but that still doesn't make up for all the other crimes he's committed. I need to go home. I wonder if they are still looking for me.

I lay down on my bed I slowly slip into a deep sleep.

Marliano's P. O.V
I head to my office and I notice talia's door is open. I peek inside and notice that she's sleeping. I come inside the room and pick up the pillow that she kicked off the bed. She rolled over and knocked it back off earning a chuckle from me. I picked it up once again and placed it near her side. I pulled the blanket over her and she snuggled more deeply into them. I turned the light off and walked out of her room closing the door behind me softly. I decided to go to bed. I loosen my tie and sit on my bed running my hand down my neck. I look on my desk and see a picture of lilic. I pick it up amd my soul crashes.

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