Watch My Drink

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The limo came to a stop and the driver got out and opened the door. We both got out of the limo and stood. Marliano stood behind me ,whispering in my ear.

"Dont do too much talking. " i nodded and we walked to the beginning of the steps shere we where greeted by the man who im guessing is Flanchi.

He greeted marliano with open arms.

"Marliano!! Welcome my friend" marliano took the man's hand and shook it firmly.

Flanchi's eyes then turned to me and he smiled.

"And to whom do I thank for blessing me with her radiant company?" He says referring to me.

"This is talia. She is my new assistant. Just started a few days ago."

"Well it is a pleasure meeting you Miss Talia " he said kissing my hand gently.

"The pleasures' all mine" i say in return. His eyebrows raise in satisfaction

"Ahh she has well manners. Where did you find her?" He asked jokingly as we made our way inside the manor.

We followed him inside a room where five men where waiting near each exit.

"Come, come, sit. Make yourselves at home." Flanchi sat and poured himself a glass of wine and offered some to marliano ,who gladly took his offer.

His gaze then turns to me.

"And for the lady?" He asks. I slightly shake my head.

"Oh no sir, I'm fine. I dont drink" he smirked and placed the wine bottke back on the table.

"Very well. So, what is the matter that you would call a meeting out of the blue?" He asked .

" i think you know why " the man's emotion kinda switched a little.

" we would discuss such matters in the presence of a lady?" He asked. Marliano glared at the man, knowing he is trying to stall.

"Talia would you give us a moment?" I nodded and stood up. I followed the gaurd out into the hall and waited to be called back inside.

Marliano's P.O.V
As Talia stood and left the room, I noticed that Flanchi's gaze never left Talia as she was leaving.

"I see you have an interest in my assistant." I say as I take a soo of wine. He nods.

"She intrigues me. Such beauty near hostility" he says wit a straight face.

"If I hadn't known better, I'd say that was an insult."

"Take it as you please y friend, it is merely just the truth. Now down to buisness, what do you want" his tone changed. Sounding more annoyed.

"You readu know. Where is your brother." He chuckles.

" You know I can't give you his location. That would mean I would be betraying my family and for that i will lose everything i posses including my life." He said leaning further into his chair.

"You say that as if im supposed to care-"

"Look marliano, I had nothing to do org your daughter going missing-"

"But your brother did. And you are the only one that can help me find him. And im willing to do everything in my ability to find him." He say o and out his glass down.

"If I didnt know any better I'd say that you were threatening me" i shrugged.

"Well, you're a smart man. I think you can figure it out." I said. He stood up which cause me to stand in reflex.

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