Chapter 10: All on the table

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First off, 4k reads?!  Thank you guys so much for being so invested in the book! Please know that I am taking attention to you guys on what you are suggesting and want to see! I am very grateful and I am glad that you guys are enjoyingkii PTT! Stay active and keep reading! Thinking about dropping spam chapters  in my free time.




Ever since Marliano was collected by his father, the energy between Enso and I has been very uncomfortable. We speak as we normally do but the vibe is   I'm just scrolling through my phone and I can feel a hole burning through my face. I look up to see him staring at me intensely. I cock my head to the side and rest my phone down.

"Is there a reason you are staring at me?" I asked clearly annoyed. I hate when people state, let alone, at me.

" You still love him don't you?" He asks.

"Excuse me?"

"You still love him." He says sitting up straighter. I scoff.

"Are you being serious right now? Is that whats running through your mind?" I say, with the tone in my voice becoming slightly sharper.

"Yes it is. And I expect an answer-"

"Woah woahhh. Why do I feel like I'm getting attacked?"

"The only people who feel attacked are the ones who have something to hide-"

"Something to hide?! Are you fucking kidding me right now Enso? Where is this coming from? Why this all of a sudden?" I ask feeling tears welling up in my eyes, not understanding his current  hostility towards me.

"Ever since he left, you haven't been yourself. Acting as if you've lost a part of yourself. I thought you said that he was old, and in your past?"

"He is!-"

"Stop lying to yourself!" He says cutting me off.

He comes next to me and sits down.

"Talia. We can't grow together if you are still stuck on him. If this family is going to work, the only thing I ask of you is that you love me and only me. Because my heart is yours-" I smack his hand away and I stand quickly.

"Why would I still be in love with the man who left me for dead?!? Why would I still love the man who got another woman pregnant after he thought I died? DO you think that's love? DO you think he truly loves me?" I ask him, offended at how he doesn't believe me.

"If you say you love me, then you should believe me!"

"You can't say one thing when your actions doesn't add up to them-"

"Are you serious right now? I'm not about to deal with this  OR YOU right now.  I refuse to do this with you" I grab my jacket and leave out of the room.

"And where do you think you're going?!" he says following quickly behind me.

"Away from you" I say quickly going down the stairs. His footsteps are not too far behind.

"Yeah fucking right. You aren't going anywhere" He said grabbing my arm, forcing me to turn around.

"Oh yeah? And who in the fuck is going to stop me? Hm? You?"I snatch my arm away from him and he grabs my other one.

Pull The TriggerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora