Until You come back home

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"Find her damnit! She can't be gone too far"

It shouldn't be this hard to find this woman. SHE'S 5'6 FOR FUCKS SAKE! It's been 4 days and I still have no word on her. I can't help to think that maybe Bochetti has her. His dumb little subliminal messages stopped all of a sudden so that must be the only possible reason.

  "Sir our men can't find her" ughh I wish Julio were still here. He would possibly know where to look. 

We don't have tie for this. The brochetti Gala is in 2 days and the most important person is nowhere to be found. Man im a fucking idiot. I just keep fucking up at the worst of times. I should get 'fuck up' tatted on my forehead. I walk quickly to the main entrance where everyone is gathered and chattering in a panicked tone. Seeing my men panic is highly annoying. I'm already panicking, everyone can't be panicking. As I'm about to begin speaking, the front door swings open and in walks Julio and I must admit, its a relief seeing his face.

"Thanks man, I really needed to see-"

"I'm not here for you, I'm here to find Talia. Don't think for a second that any of this is for you." And with that he walked away and stood with the others. I guess I deserve that. 

"Due to our search prolonging longer than usual, we are going to assume that Talia is no longer in Italy. We are now expanding our searches outside the country. Im sending 4 teams of 20 to different states to continue the search. Team 1 you're going to Germany. Team 2 you're going to The U.S. Team 3 you're going to Russia and team 4 you're going to South America. We have no time to waste. You have an hour to pack your shit and get moving. Get going." And with that the men scattered to their different locations.

This needs to end. I try to call her again but it immediately sent me to voicemail.

Talia POV

I kick my feet up and sip on my Cappriccio and look out to the horizon and the beautiful landscape in front of me. I really wish I could go back home and go back to my normal life but I'm pretty sure I'm considered dead by now plus not to mention I've been aiding a Mafia lord in numerous amount of crimes and fraternizing with him it wouldn't be a good idea. I really avoided the U.S not because of that. Its because the U.S is one of the first places he'll look.

I know I made a promise to help him get his kid back but I can't keep putting my life and my trust in someone who doesn't even consider my emotional or mental well-being. He can ask whoever, it's no longer my concern. I am taken out of my thoughts by my phone vibrating I quickly answer.


"Hey, Talia. You need to stay where you are. He's sending men out of the country to look for you but luckily, he didn't send anyone to Australia"

"Shit! Thank you so much Julio. Let me know if you hear anything else."

"Alright Talia. Remember lay low and stay inside the hotel. He has eyes and ears everywhere. I can only help you from my family's hotel"

"Alright I will" and with that our conversation ended.

Of course I told Julio where I was. Theres a super dangerous drug lord after me im not going anywhere without protection. I am not that clueless.  I get up and stretch before going back inside of my room. I'm at Julio's family hotel, where his most trusted friends and men reside. This is the only place where marlin's men don't roam. So I know for a fact that im okay here.I don't have a plan yet, maybe I'll just stay here until Mariano forgets about me...

No im not staying in this place for that long. I just want to take a metal bat and take out both of his knees so he'd e force to crawl down the stairs to get help. I hope that maid he had with him gets a bullet in her head. Men are dogs. No matter how good you are to them, they will forever show how much they don't care. They don't care until you're gone. Which is my current situation. He didn't really value what I meant to him and he constantly shows that over and over again. I wish I would've minded my business that day in the alley. I would probably still be living my perfectly normal life by now. 

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