Moving Too Fast

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This may be a weird way to start of the new chapter but.....

If Talia were here, she would smack sense into everybody in this mansion.

If their engagement wasn't enough to stir the pot, Ember is pregnant. The fact that he's moving so fast pisses me off. He's cleared out talia's old room, burned all of her things and even threw away the pictures he had of her. He's trying to completely erase Talia and their baby.  He's completely fallen off the wagon and he is a pitiful excuse of a leader. 

I knock on his door and i hear a low "enter" before I come inside. He is typing away on his computer doing God knows what. I sit in the chair and stare at him intensely.

"For a boy we were thinking Angel and for a girl we were thinking Reign-"

"I'm leaving" I cut him off. He pauses for a split second but doesn't look up from his monitor.

"And where are you going?" He asked in a dull manner.

"Back to the peaceful life I've always wanted. I only came back for Talia. And since she's gone and you seem to be doing just fine with everything, there really isn't a reason for me to be here." He doesn't say anything for a second.

He then sits back in his seat and chuckles. I stare at him for a second until he finished.

"I don't see how that was humorous-"

"It's funny because you think I care if you leave or not. If I were not to se you anymore I would have got the message. You don't need to report it to me. If you want to leave, you know where the door is."

I chuckle to myself and I stand and begin heading out of the office.

"I wish you the best, old friend".    He doesn't respond but goes back into whatever he was doing.

I look around the manor one last time before I head towards the front door. This place isn't the same. He isn't the same. If Talia were here, things wouldn't feel this way.

Marliano POV

Julio left.

It'll be fine. I have dozens of men who still work for me. Losing one will not bother me or the business.  I immediately get angry and throw the closest thing to me which just happens to be the monitor. I loosen my tie and exhale deeply and at the same time I hear the door open.

"What's the matter?" It was ember, with a worried look on her face.

I calm myself and walk over to her, embracing her.

"I'm sorry my love, I just got a little worked up."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asks quietly.

"No, I am fine. You don't need to worry about me. What I need you to do is focus on you, and our baby" I place a soft kiss on her lips and then on her forehead.

"Go get some rest. I'll have one of the maids run you a hot bath an make you some tea." She gives me a soft "ok" before walking off. 

I don't want her to stress or worry about anything as it can harm the baby. There is no reason to stay and sulk over Talia. She's gone and there's nothing I can do about it.  Plus, she wouldn't want me to sit and be sad. She would want me to move on and be happy.

I tell one of the men to clean my office and I head over to the balcony door.  I watch below as Julio walks bak and forth as he packs his things into his car. He's foolish.

He'll be on his own. He's completely out of his mind if he thinks he can survive without the power of the family. As soon as he leaves, he'll be considered a traitor to the family. The men would ordered to kill him on sight. Brother to me or not, he knows the consequences. 

If I keep letting people slide just because they are close to me then my men would then soon begin to lose respect for me and without respect, you have no power. I watch as he finally drives off and I shrug it off. I have a meeting with my mother soon I don't have time to sit and grieve over it.  I head downstairs to my car and I enter it.

When I arrive to my mother's home, I am welcomed with open arms and we immediately head over to her study. We both sit and she gives me a soft smile.

"So, how is everything going? How is the baby doing?" She asks eagerly.

"They are fine. I'm just trying to make sure she continues to get the rest that she needs. She seems to want to be more active and involved."

"That's good to hear." She sits up and looks deeply into my eyes. 

"Son, are you sure that you are not moving too fast? I mean, I am happy for you I truly am but this may be a little too much even for you. You haven't even properly mourned over Talia. And I know you miss her, we all do but-"

"Talia has been dead for awhile now mother. I am moving on. I think it is time that you do the same"

"Talia would turn over in her grave if she ever sees the way that you are so called 'coping'-"

"WELL SHE DOESN'T HAVE A DAMN GRAVE. SHE BURNED !" I yell, making her freeze as tears gathered in her eyes.

"So let's not talk about what she would do. Cause she's not here. " I scoff to myself before standing.

"I just got here and yet it was already a mistake to come. " I head towards the door and she stands and follows quickly behind me.

"Marliano wait-"

"No!" She stops in her tracks and I see my father come down the stairs. 

"Every time I come over here it's the same shit with you! Talia this, Talia that. We have other things to worry about other than Talia. She's gone mom!" I don't know why but suddenly my heart felt extremely heavy and my face was wet with tears.

My mom hugs me tightly and I just completely break down. I hate to admit it but she is right. I never had the chance to properly grieve over Talia instead, I just buried her in the deepest part of my mind and tried to forget her existence and that isn't healthy. Just replacing her and our child with another sickens me however, I'm finally getting happy. But I'd be lying if I said i wouldn't run to her if I was given the chance. If I had one last chance to hold Talia, I would take it. 

"Son, there is nothing wrong with moving on. But it's better to move on when you aren't hurting. Use this family, and put all of you love and energy into them. Be careful and return home to them, you understand me?" I silently nod as she hugs me tighter.

"After all of these years of making you tough and I see it was all for nothing. Crying over a woman you kidnapped and a child you haven't even met yet-"

"FUCK. YOU." He leans against the doorframe and tucks his hands in his pockets. 

"Son, you have an opportunity to start over. With a beautiful woman in a beautiful home. Use this second chance. " I ignore him and squeeze my mother tighter.

I hate to admit it again, but both of my parents are right. I didn't grieve correctly and I moved too fast, but this is another opportunity to start over and properly love them the way I would've loved Talia and our child. They both were correct.

So from here on out. I'm gonna do what I have to do to protect those most important to me. My family.

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