Q&A Response

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Question From:@Monsiuer_Froggy
"If Marciano tries to f around and find out by trying to kidnap your son, what would you do?"

Talia: It would be the beginning of my villain arc. I'd kill anything and anyone that gets in my way.

Question from: @superiorkaye
"Do you love Enso or marliano more? Is there a possibility you'll get back together with him?"

Talia: No. he's not the man I first met. I don't know who he is. I'll take Enzo over him any day.
Question from: @Monsiuer_Froggy
"Why would you ever think Talia would ever forgive you for not only moving on the very next day after she supposedly died, get the bitch preggo, and threaten to steal her child cuz you butt her she(who you've mistreated since the entire book) doesn't want anything to do with the guy who only treats her worst than lke did to Tina Turner?You are a bitch for putting your hands on her and the plenty of times you threaten her, you need counseling pronto and some common damn sense"

Marliano:  "I'm sorry, who are you? I stopped listening at the beginning of your statement. Your words are not worthy for my ears to listen."

Question from @Superiorkaye

"Are you going to give up on Talia? How do you feel about how she's treating you and how are you and Ember?"

Marliano: " I will never give up on her.  Shes acting off of hurt so I will excuse how horrid her actions have been and will wait forever if I have to. As far as ember, she hasn't been speaking to me so I'm not sure what she's thinking. I assume she's fine. As long as my child is healthy that is all I care about.
Question from: @Monsiuer_Froggy
"Where can I find a friend like you? You are homeboy and I want you to know I am so proud of you for being the realist one in this book Julio. You will make a great uncle to Talia's son and keep being the great person you are."

Julio: "Firstly thank you for your kind words. Things have been crazy and it's good to see my actions have been noticed. As far as talia's son, I will be his shadow's shadow. I'll Die before I'll allow any harm to come his way."

Question from @superiorkaye
"What's going through your mind right now."

Julio: " honestly I'm worried. Between falling off with my bestfriend of 16 years and being their for Talia plus aiding in the enemy, I can feel a war coming. Nothing but death follows events like this..."
From @Monsiuer_Froggy

"Are you excited to be an uncle? How do you feel about Talia and her bing part of the family now? What's your plan with Julio, will he be an ally to the family because you can definitely trust him, he will never hurt y'all or Talia?"

Francis: "I'm fucking excited to be an uncle. Talia makes my brother happy plus she can cook so she's a 10 in my book. As far as Julio, I don't know about him. He seems to only care about Talia and that's good enough for me. I doubt he'll hurt her but if he does, death isn't anything but a bullet away."

From @superiorkaye

"You've been   these past few chapters, how are you feeling?"

Francis: "Well I got shot the fuck up, so I'm not really feeling too dandy now am I?"
From @Monsiuer_froggy

"Are you happy that you have an amazing daughter in law like Talia?"

Mr.bochetti: "Talia is a breath of fresh air. The perfect fit for my son. Not to mention she's making me a grandfather.  Her brownie points are endless."

From : @superiorkaye
"How do you feel about what your son is going through?"

Mr.Bochetti: *Chuckles* " This is a walk in the park for my boys. We've dealt with worse and if something else comes up we'll deal with that too. No worries.
Mrs. Torelli

From@: Monsiuer_froggy
"Are you disappointed in your son for his past and present actions regarding Talia?"

Mrs. Torelli: while taking care of my granddaughter lilac I have came to the conclusion that my son has...what do the young kids say, "Fumbled" Talia. Yes indeed, he fumbled and I raised him better.

"Any comment on the current situation?"

Mrs.Torelli: "No. I just want my son home and safe"

From: @Monsiuer_Froggy
Please, do not get Talia back with Marliano, that was a toxic relationship and she deserves better. Now my question is, what gave you the idea to make this book? This is one of a few good books I read and my fave.

Arthur: To be honest with you I read a lot of mafia books  and felt like I could write one with a twist as well. Thank you for reading it! It's readers like you who actually interact with the book that gives me new ideas and shock factors. And yes ma'am marliano needs to get his shit together 😂


Will there be a 2nd book? If so, is there a possibility Talia and Marley will get back together??

Author: mmm... I don't know yet. We'll see 😏 and half of you guys want them together half of y'all want them apart, MAKE UP YA MINDSSSSSS 😂

I'll be doing these every few chapters just so you could connect with the characters a little more.

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