Chapter 8: Julio's redemption

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I've went back home with my sister and my daughter. I've missed my daughter so much. I heard that Marliano has been focusing on his family, which is great of course. The fact that he acted as if he could've cared less bothered me at first but a person can only pretend for so long. If he likes it hell, I love it.  

It's been about 4 months since I left the Torelli estate and I'm still adjusting to life without the mafia.  My sister, Maddy, along with my niece and I have had a peaceful 4 months and we intend to keep it that way.  I remember the last time I was here, Talia was throwing a fit because she missed Marliano and wouldn't come out the room.Its like her shadow lingers everywhere she touched. And it's sucks that she isn't here anymore. Im positive that I'm considered and enemy to Marliano now but if that means I can live a life without violence and conflict, that's fine with me. 

Word of Talia's death reached the United States so the search parties that were sent for her came to a halt and she was mourned and given a street named after her in her honor.  Eventually the noise started to die down  and her name was very rarely mentioned. Thinking about all of this spoils my mood each and every time. A spirit that sweet and precious gone so quickly is truly unsettling and unfair. She deserved a more graceful death.  I am inturrupted from my thoughts by my niece handing me a drawing she made. It was poorly drawn but considering the fact it took her about 30 minutes to draw it lets me know she really tried her best to make it pretty. I take it and smile at her before watching her run off to do whatever it is that 8 year olds do. 

Im sure my niece would like to paint, after all she isn't around any other children her age so it's good to keep her occupied. I let my sister know I'm heading out and she waves me off.  I reach the store and of course, the kid section has everything a kid would want. As I'm looking, I see a silhouette in the corner of my eye, I look over but there was nothing there. 

Im sure it's just my eyes playing tricks on me. 

I shake it off and continue looking but I see a figure again on the other side this time. Ok... someone is watching me. I make my way towards the figure and he dodges behind another isle completely leaving my site. I look around to make sure no one is near and I begin to run toward the figure. I eventually en dup at the back of the store, which is dimly lit and packed with a bunch of old toys and boxes.

"Hello?" I call out, pulling my gun from its hoister. 

I carefully bend each corner following the figure until I reach a dead end. The hairs on the back of my neck stands up and before I  can fully turn around, I and hit with something and everything goes black.

 Unknown POV

"Sir, we've got em'"

"Ouuu please do, bring him in at once" my men drag a guy, late 20's, into the room and throw him to the ground. 

They rip the bag off of his head and he looks around confusingly.

"You sir, was very hard to find-"

"FUCK YOU" He spit his bloodied mouth towards my direction.

"Julio, Julio, Julio, that's no way to speak to a friend now is it?" I say sitting and taking out a cigar.

"I'm not your friend. What the hell do you want!?"

I chuckle softly and inhale deeply, feeling the smoke fill my lungs.

"I want to know, where Torelli's location is my friend-"

"I don't work for him anymore, go ask someone else" he spat.

"I didn't asl you if you worked for him. I just want to know where all of his properties are-"

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