Garden house

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"Talia. Talia time to get up" im awaken by a warm light and im wrapped in soft blankets. I slowly open my eyes and of course, as i expected to see, Marliano was leaning over me.

He gently caressed my arm waking me.

"Goodmorning Tali" he says with a warm smile." I smile back and stretch my arms.

"Goodmorning Marley. What time is it?" He looks at the clock and back at me.

"Its 9:30 and Marley?" He asks raising his eyebrow and walking to the bathroom.

"Yeah y'know, short for marliano?" He chuckles softly as he began brushing his teeth.

"I like it. Ive actually came up with a name for you" he says through a filled mouth of toothpaste.

"Oh really? And that is?" He smirked at me

"Tally." He said spitting into the sink.
"Tally? Thats ugly"
"Then its perfect" he said smirking earning a little giggle from me.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Whats for us today?" He wiped his face and walked back in the room.

"Well, we have to prepare for the dinner tonight."

"Dinner?" I ask standing. He looks at me and smirks

"You're beautiful when you first wake." I roll my eyes and brush my hair out of my face.

"I invited a few friends of mine over to discuss action relating to the ball thats coming up."

"Basically to see if they will help us?" He nods.

With the ball coming up, I am getting more nervous day by day. Just a few months ago i was a regular officer on my normal route and now im helping a mafia kingpin.

" But before we tend to that, we have other things to do. I want to increase the security around the manor. I need you and my estate protected at all cost. I trust that you can handle all on your end but i still need to be sure" i nod as he smiles one final time before leaving me in the room to get dressed.

Marliano POV
I leave the room so that talia can get ready for the day. I go down to the kitchen to see if breakfast is prepared for her I,on the other hand, have already eaten. I go to julio who is standing by the entrance.

"Everything set for the week?" He nods.

"Yes sir. Is there anything else that you need me to do?"he asks.

"Actually yes.. I will need you to be on lookout when it comes to Talia. From here on out, I am putting you in charge of her protection. Which means her safety is now you're responsibility and you will be held accountable for any and everything that happens. "He nods and straightens his posture.

I step closer to Julio so that we are eye to eye, face to face.

"You are to protect her with you life. Do you understand?"I say lowly, so that only he could hear but in a tone so dense, it would shake a building.

"Understood, Mr. Torelli."he responds looking me in the eye. I understood that he understood me clearly.

"Go ahead and take your post outside her door. Never go inside her room unless she's given you the okay to do so. Respect her wishes and privacy at all times and make sure she's comfortable and content at all times." He nods and heads upstairs to Talia's door.

I hope I'm making the right decision by choosing Julio to protect her. Even though I am going to protect her, theres is nothing wrong with a little extra protection .

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