Burning bridges.

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Talia's POV

Once I heard the room door close, I opened the bathroom door and exited the bathroom.  I knew that he had left and I made my way down the stairs and out of the house.  I got a car to take me to the holding area and instructed the men to take me to Marliano's cell.  The door opens and I see him sitting with his legs crossed, his hands resting on his lap. He seems to be meditating, maybe praying about something.

"I'm not speaking to any of you bastards. So leave me be." He says with his back still turned.

"I see you've grown accustomed to being isolated. When did you become so pathetic?" his head snaps up and he quickly turns around and stands.

"Talia-" He says lowly.

His eyes never left mine and I must admit, his gaze made my heart stop. A million emotions rush through my body at once and I don't know how to feel. I dont even know why I came here. 

"Why didnt you com back to me? Why didn't you come home Talia?-"

"Home? Is that what it was? Home? That place wa snot my home. Just dreams that were sold to me-"

"Thats not true-"

"Then why did you leave me? YOU LEFT ME!-"

"I DID NOT! I TRIED TO COME FOR YOU!" He yelled coming closer to me with tears now gathering in both of our eyes.



"AND IS THAT WHY YOU IMMEDIATELY REPLACED ME?!? A NEW FINACE?!? A NEW BABY?!? YOU WASTED NO TIME!!!" I cant hold back my tears and I begin to pace.

"I was so terrified waking up here. I just knew that me and my baby would die as soon as he got his hands on me. But it all worked out for me in the end. He ended up loving me harder than you ever did-"

"NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU THE WAY I DO. " he yelled, pointing to himself.

"My son-"

"This isn't your son-"

"MY SON, will know me. You two can play house all you want but you won't do it with MY son-"

"You are just the sperm donor and nothing more. NOTHING. When you leave here, do not come near us and don't try to contact MY SON. He will be loved by a father who won't replace him. If you ever cross a boundary, I'll kill you myself" We stare at eachother in silence for a moment, before I wiped my face.

"I still love you and you know that. You still love me and you know it-"

"See that's your problem. You think you know everything. My love for you withers away more and more everyday.  And when my son is born, you'll be the perfect example of what not to become in manhood"

"You can try to erase me from your life all you want. But when you look at him al you will see is a reflection of me. I will come back for my son, even if I have to kill to get him-"

"I take that as a threat. From here on out you're considered a threat. Come near us, you're dead. And I'll be sure to do the very thing you failed to do when we met." A look of hurt and regret flashes across his face.

"You have a new fiancé and a new baby. Enjoy that while it was spared for you. Apparently Enso is the nicer one between us two." I say turning my back to him and leaving the cell.

The fact that I even allowed myself to fall in love with such a man is embarrassing. Let alone get pregnant by him. He's just a sperm donor after all. he has his little family and a huge mansion to clean. Im sure his time will be occupied on everything except me and my son. He has his life and I now have mine. I think it's safe to say that this bridge that we once shared I the center, is now burned. And I have no plans on rekindling any old flames this year.

Keep that same energy.

Marliano POV

So this is it? This is how we end? With her wanting nothing to do with me? This is not how it's supposed to be. And Julio? The very person who's been with me from the very beginning turned on me? I can feel nothing but rage. Betrayal. I have to move to another estate, regroup on men. I have to start anew. All because loyalty faltered within my men. I used to be on top of the world. Now im at the bottom. 

From here on out my main focus will be to rebuild my empire.  Then once I do that. I'm going after my son. She has no right to keep him from me. She prefers to keep me out of his life while she plays house with my son? Over my damn fucking body she will. Nobody and I mean NOBODY  will keep me from my son. I'd kill anyone that stands in between us....

Even if that someone is Talia..


"I want 24 hour protection over Talia.  She is not to leave anywhere alone. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Also prepare a nice warm bath for her and light candles in approximately 5 hours.  I need her relaxed and soothed. If she is calm, then my son is calm as well." I say as I leave the office.

There are alot of preparations that I have to and alot of events that are coming up. I don't want Talia involved in the stresses of it all. I need her safe and out of the way.  There are still fuss about "the great safe" and whats it actually contained inside of it.  Theres been a rumor that people are out looking for Talia since they think knows how to get inside of it. I must admit, I was only interested in her in the beginning  because of that fact. Once I fell in love with her, I now understand why she must be protected at all times. I could care less about it anymore to be honest. Now that more people are after her, it makes things more serious.

Theres no need for me to inform her on this because no harm will come for her so theres no need for her to look over her shoulder constantly.  I just wish that we could somehow cut ties with the Torelli family but I know thats just impossible. I want to rid this man of her memory and I know he wont let the issue go without a fight. But I hope he knows that I'll do anything to protect my family. And I mean ANYTHING.


HEYYY! Sorry for the late update! Came across some writers block but I am been taking your advice that you guys have been sending me lol! Let's say you guys have hilarious feelings towards the book so far!

I want to do something where you guys ask the characters questions and I respond in the character if that makes sense?  As if you are truly interacting with them.  

Enjoy the story!!

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