Yasuo x Riven [pt.1]

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MuffinLoverr thank you for your request again C:

To be honest, about the picture, I"m not even sure if that's Riven and Yasuo xD But looking at the hands of the person holding her, it doesn't look like Yasuo... but I liked the image so ._. It's staying there.

Riven's P.O.V: 

I stood in the jungle as I was at blue buff. The game continued and I did my best around the map. Riven jungle wasn't a very common thing but I did pretty decent. I pulled some good ganks and even managed to push every lane a bit each time. I ganked top lane most because of the Yasuo opponent. He was quite strong and the Fiora had trouble most of the time. 

She was in diamond elo but I guess the Yasuo must have been in challenger or so. I was in challenger elo as well so the ganks were pretty decent. Each time I ganked the lane, I took in all the patterns of how the Yasuo fought and I beat him every time. Then I got back to base and bought some items. That's when I got messages. 

"Yo Riven, stay top. I'll do jungle." -(top lane) Fiora

"No baka. She's staying jungle. If you're that bad just keep feeding and wait till she comes to gank your lane. You can't possibly be better at doing anything else." -(bot lane) Miss Fortune

"I guess she can try to jungle but wouldn't she just feed the enemy jungler Lee Sin?" -(bot lane support) Taric

"Guys. We should have faith in her. Why don't we let her jungle for a few minutes and if it goes well, we'll switch lanes for the rest of the game." -(jungler) Riven

"I'm sure my Tibbers would do better than that wuss though. Riven. Need a gank right now. Hurry up." -(mid laner) Annie

I then ran down the side of mid and the gank was successful. "Riven jungle is op. I don't think Fiora would do a good job." Said Annie. She gave me a high five and I quickly ran towards gromp, then blue, then wolves, raptors, blue buff and lastly krugs. 

I ganked bot, then top again. Fiora was now 0/6/10. Her death was almost as much as her assists. I then waited in the bush in the enemy territory. I put a pink ward as a bait and when he started trying to get rid of it, I stunned him, q, e, w, and then he flashed. I flashed and ulted him before he could possibly get away. I pulled off a solo gank as Fiora stood there farming. I was at less than half health.

Then I was about to run away but the Yasuo grabbed me and I fell into turret range. The turret hit me once, twice, and a third time. I put up a shield but I still died because of the turret. I can't believe Yasuo still held onto me tightly even though I killed him in game. "Riven..." I heard him whisper into my hair as he smelled my hair. 

I felt a blush coming onto my face. Why was I blushing? "W-What?" I replied. "You're beautiful. Strong. Courageous. I like you." My face started turning redder and redder. "I-I don't have time f-for your jokes Y-Yasuo." I said as my body was teleported back to base. "You're cute." He commented. I couldn't stop blushing at his comments. 

I killed him so many times and I ganked top so many times. But why do I have this strange feeling each time? As if I'm getting weaker and weaker around him?

God... I need to stop focusing on him. Just focus on winning the game Riven. THat's all you need to focus on... winning... winning... winning.

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