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idk why this came into my head, it was originally going to be really inspiring message about pushing past weaknesses but it turned into making fun of hawky so meh

i should really try to finish the 23 drafts i haven't touched

oh well

Hawkmoth had planned it out so carefully. 

He had studied her. All her weaknesses, all her strengths. Habits, stances, what she relied on and who she protected first. Even Chat Noir was with him from the start - after all, blood is thicker than water. 

He finally had her right where he wanted her. Facing off against her beloved partner right in front of him. Hostages in cages behind him, all calling out for Ladybug.

"Chat Noir, why the change in heart? Paris trusted you, I trusted you!" Obviously, Ladybug was breaking down. The betrayal really must have affected her. His son must been closer to her heart than she had let on.

"Blood is thicker than water, Ladybug!" Chat Noir snarled back. Good. He had taught him well.

Ladybug though...

She seemed to... pull herself together? With a smile?! "That's where you're wrong. The full saying goes-" She dodged another attack with a grunt, leaping out of the way and spinning her yoyo. "-blood of the covenant is thicker-" With another flip, she batted away Chat Noir's baton. "-than the water of the womb. The relationships you choose are stronger than those joined by DNA." She threw her yoyo at the baton just before Chat Noir could reach for it. 

Adrien growled. "Cataclysm!" Destructive power activated, he ran at Ladybug. 

She swept him out of the way, throwing him at a cage that held Alya, the troublesome Ladyblogger. "And I'm stronger than you."

Hawkmoth gaped, outrage painted across his face. "But I planned it so carefully! All of your strengths and weaknesses, I know them all!"

Ladybug smiled. "That would be useful, if I weren't the original Ladybug." Collective gasp. She approached the purple suited man. "My cousin, in fact, was the original, but she took a break and left me in charge. She's coming back, of course, but not for another week or so. I'm just a really good actor, and it helps that we look alike." With that same infuriating smile, she took the broach from where it was clipped to him, and the keys from his hand, which was entirely too easy because he was still in shock. "Bye bye, little butterfly. No more evil doing for you."

She calmly walked around, unlocking the rest of the birdcages and setting free all the civilians before coming up to the frozen Chat Noir. 

"And you, Chat Noir. I really am sorry for you. After all, you were loved by the most miraculous girl in the world and you still betrayed her. She loves you with all her heart, you know. Your Ladybug." This different superhero mused while she squatted in front of him, slipping off his ring to reveal Adrien Agreste. "She didn't want to leave you until I promised I'd take her place in the battles, just to make sure you weren't overwhelmed." With a grin and a bounce, she stood up and left him on the ground. "Well! I should probably get these to Master Fu! Bit of a story to tell too, I suppose." Just before she leaped out the window, she looked back pityingly at Adrien. "I hope you can make this up to her, because she'll find out. Either from Alya or from me."

He knew he messed up. He knew he shouldn't have given in. He knew that he didn't deserve her.

But despite all the knowledge he had of how terrible he was...

There were all those 'what if's.'

What if he tried to be better? What if he became better? What if he was more honest, more trusting, more open? What if he allowed himself to be happier, brighter? What if he became stronger, what if he pushed pass this? 

What if he made it up to her? 

(okay all I can think of is Amethyst's song from Cry For Help (Tower of Mistakes) this one


He stood up, shaking off the emotions.

He would make it up to her. Some way or another, he would make it up for her. 

The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now