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This one is dark. Fits my current mood, but be warned. Feel free to ask questions if you need to understand anything, though, this one may be hard to follow.

Inspired by Frisk and Chara. And Undertale in general.

Your heart was beating fast and your stomach was twisting into knots and you felt like you were going to throw up and you felt your eyes stinging with tears threatening to fall. It was illogical, unbelievable, that you couldn't even face your teacher when you broke your perfect record for homework. After all, you were Ladybug, for Christ's sake! You shouldn't be scared of not turning in a project because it wasn't completely finished!

But you were. And you were on the verge of breaking down.

What's worse, Alya wasn't there.

You were alone in a noisy classroom and people could be staring at you and oh god what if they were staring at you oh god what if they were all staring at you what would they think of you would they think you were a loner would they make fun of you for being a loner but you're not a loner you have AlyaohgodwhatifAlyaditchesyouandleavesyoualoneandthenyou'llreallybealonerandeveryonewill

Damn it, you were rambling again.

You heard a laugh somewhere around you.

"Look, everyone, Marinette's all alone! What a loner!" Chloe's wicked voice directed their attention on you. You shrank down in your seat, trying to get them to stop staring and just leave you be and-

Oh god, it was happening.

You tried to hold it in, tried to hide, you had to hide, you couldn't let them see, you couldn't break, not here, not now. Hide, hide, hide, be invisible, don't run but get away, hide, run, bolt, you need to get away, go, hide, NOW!

You wish you didn't listen to the voices in your head, because you felt her come out.

The one who doesn't follow rules. The one who doesn't care about any feelings except yours. The one who doesn't feel anything at all except a fierce sense of protectiveness for you and only you. When it gets too much, when you're unstable, when you're so close to shattering, she comes out and pushes you behind her to protect you, give you time to settle yourself away from the edge, give you time to heal.

In a way, you loved her for that. But the things she did, the words she said, they were never careful as you usually were. And it was worse, because no-one but Alya and her parents knew of her. No-one in your class would understand. 

She was the one you called Bridgette. 

You felt your consciousness slip as she took control.

You blacked out.


With her in control, her entire aura shifted. She stood up straight, eyes blazing with unforeseen anger, her eyes turned a shade darker as she walked right up to Chloe. The tiny girl was replaced by a presence that captured attention instead of deflecting it. She stared right into Chloe's slightly fearful eyes and smiled creepily.

"We haven't met, but I know who you are." Her voice had changed too, it was terrifying. Her voice was low and croaky. "You're the reason she cries to herself in the silence of her home. You're why she's so insecure, she's so full of self-doubt. You're the reason she did this to our body." She violently pulled up her sleeve to reveal silvery scars running in neat lines across her arms.

"Wh-what's g-going o-o-on?" Chloe's voice trembled. "Marinette, w-what are y-you doing?!"

She chuckled darkly. "Don't mistake me for her. If you have ever heard of Undertale, you could say I'm Chara while she's Frisk." Nino and Max sucked in breaths. They knew exactly what she was talking about. "But, then again, you're not the type to play games with anything other than people." Drawing back her other sleeve, she showed more scars, these ones curving in the delicate, sickening shape of a flower. "She puts up with the pain you inflict on her. I won't."

The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now