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 For the sixth time that day, I glance behind me at Lila, concerned. Ever since the Volpina incident yesterday, everyone hated her. She's sat at the back of the classroom, fuming, and I think I saw tears once or twice. It makes my heart hurt, especially because I was the one who exposed her, rather rudely at that.

"Girl, why do you keep looking at her? She lied, she deserves this." Alya frowns at me, studying my face. I let out a sigh.

"I just feel bad for her, you know? She just wanted to fit in, to be liked, to be loved. She just used... less than good methods to get there." Shaking my head, I turn my attention back to Ms. Bustier.

"Lila, can you tell us the answer?" she singles out the girl. I instantly feel dread settling itself in my stomach when Chloe laughs.

"Why ask her? She'll just lie," her high-pitched voice says mockingly, and her laugh cuts through again. It's been like this for the whole day, and now I feel only anger for Chloe.

"Okay, just stop." My voice is strong as I stand up and walk towards Lila, who looks down with tears in her brown eyes. "Yes, Lila lied. Yes, she made mistakes, like we all have. No, she's not perfect. Stop making her feel worse about the whole situation. Seriously, am I the only one who's noticed how sad she is? She was only trying to fit in, only trying to be liked. Why can't any of you drop it?" Glaring at the whole class for a second, even those emerald eyes I love staring at me in shock, I place a hand on Lila's shoulder and smile warmly at her. Her mouth drops, and she hesitantly smiles back. I take her hand, pulling her up and lead her to the door, all the while everyone stares incredulously at me. "Ms Bustier, I'm taking Lila to the bathroom to get cleaned up." Ms. Bustier nods and I gently pull the girl out of the classroom.

She's staring at me too. Why is everyone staring at me? I'm being decent. "W-why...?" Her voice cracks, and her tone is desperate. Desperate for answers.

I sigh again and turn to her, gripping her shoulders for a second. "Anyone with an ounce of sympathy feels bad for you, and I for one hate seeing you alone. Sorry about all their behaviour, they're just... all acting a bit like Chloe, okay? I promise I'll stay with you until they go back to normal." Giving her a comforting smile, I watch her face light up and she gives me a genuine smile.

"Thank you Marinette! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the kindest person I've ever met!" She throws her arms around me and I laugh, hugging her back. 

"C'mon, let's get you cleaned up." 


I excused myself to the bathroom a minute after the two girls left. Did Lila really just want to be liked? And where did that anger, that righteousness in Marinette's voice come from, that righteousness that sounded so much like my Lady? Ugh. This is too much to take in today. 

"Anyone with an ounce of sympathy feels bad for you, and I for one hate seeing you alone. Sorry about all their behaviour, they're just... all acting a bit like Chloe, okay? I promise I'll stay with you until they go back to normal." Hearing Marinette's reassuring tone, I quickly duck behind a pillar. Sure, it's shady, but I really don't want to face either of them right now, and I don't want to be caught listening in on their conversation.

"Thank you Marinette! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the kindest person I've ever met!" Lila's voice rings with happiness and I hear a bubbly laugh that no doubt comes from Marinette. Peaking around the pillar, I see the two girls hugging. Marinette pulls back with a smile.

"C'mon, let's get you cleaned up." The two walk together to the girl's bathroom, Lila talking excitedly and Marinette listening with that same smile plastered on her face.

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