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Marinette had no idea what she'd done to him.

It was raining. Hard. And a certain unlucky black cat had been caught out in it. Naturally, cats hate the water, and this cat was no different.

And so this certain black cat made his way to the only place he could think of - a certain blue-eyed girl's balcony.

At first, the smell of bread and sugar and vanilla and cinnamon overwhelmed him. But then it was her.

Her hair was down, her eyes sparkling in the warm pink light from inside, her nose and cheeks pink from the cold, but that wasn't all. 

She was wearing an over-sized shirt and shorts.

And, oh god, he shouldn't have let his eyes roam over her, because her skin was perfectly smooth and he couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like under his hands, and her curves were much more prominent and he couldn't help but wonder what she would look like underneath that shirt.

But he did and he was startled out of his dirty, dirty mind when she yelled over the rain and gestured for him to come inside.

How was a kitty to resist?

He had leaped in and thanked her profusely, well, at least charmingly. She had rolled her eyes with a giggle and turned around to get him a towel. He couldn't help but watch the sway of her hips as she walked.

And then she dried his hair, and she started petting him, and oh god, he was a goner.

He was even purring.

He knew he had feline-like traits, but was he really that much of a cat?

He came to adore her scent, he came to crave her hands miraculous work, he came to love everything about her.

One night, it was raining. Hard. And a certain unlucky black cat had been caught out in it. Naturally, cats hate the water, and this cat was no different.

And this certain black cat found himself at the only place he wanted to be -  certain blue-eyed beauty's balcony.

And found his sense overwhelmed again.

The smells of the bakery and her, the sound of her sweet, melodic voice, the sight of her beautiful face and body.

He was inside again, she was petting him again, he had somehow found himself lying against her torso.

And god damn it he couldn't take it anymore.

He kissed her.

And she kissed back.

He ran his hands over the skin he had longed to touch, only to his dissatisfaction as he couldn't feel how soft she was through his clawed gloves. Heat radiated off her, as well as that intoxicating smell.

Oh lord, did she just bite his lip?!

Her hand roamed everywhere, pulling and rubbing and kneading and massaging and scratching.

Her touch was heavenly sinful.

Her scent was dizzying.

Her voice was electrifying.

And he was completely and utterly addicted to her.

SNEAK PEEK OF WHAT'S TO COME!!! Two of them I couldn't fit on my laptop screen, these will not be published in order, and yes you do see that OC Character one, shocking, isn't it? And ALL Of these are set to be long, at least 2000 words, that's what's taking me so long!

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