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This may seem normal to begin with, but it will slowly fade into crack. 

My little brother requested that he and I be featured in it, sooo... yeah I'm doing that, and you're not gonna stop me.

He also requested a panda miraculous, but I have a better idea...

Tell me if you notice my subtle reference to the umbrella scene ~(˘▾˘~) there are actually so many references to all my favourite stuff in here, try and find them all.

this is gonna be so long i can already tell, sorry for the wait guys! Strong language. Be warned, children. 

~*Story Begins Now*~

Marinette sighed, gazing out her window, the wind brushing through her loose locks and blowing her curtain back towards her sleeping siblings. Felix and Bridgette were sound asleep after her bedtime story, but she wasn't. She was too awake, too... restless. Marinette looked back at her AmuSphere and a smile worked onto her face. 

A run through the virtual world never hurt. (snickers)

"Link start!"

Marinette opened her eyes to see her world of wonders, magic and a quaint little house on the top of a hill. She grinned, stretched out her arms, and brought up her menu to check if any of her friends were online.

Huh. Practically everyone she knew were online. What a coincidence

A crash and a thump reached her ears, making her wince. Her head jerked towards the sound, dashing to the edge of the hill to peer down the valley. What was that? Is that a... person? Being chased by... rainbow... spots?

"GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU FIENDS!!" The voice, undoubtedly feminine, screamed at the spots. but the sound was no louder than if a cat meowed, and certainly more muffled. "AND YOU SHOULD PROBABLY GET AWAY FROM MY BROTHER TOO."

"GEE, THANKS, MAE! NICE TO KNOW YOU CARE!" A new voice, this one younger and masculine, sounded extremely sarcastic and annoyed. Marinette furrowed her brow, tilting her head confusedly.

"What is happening?" She mumbled before equipping her sword and sliding down the hill with a battle cry.

The girl, probably Mae, turquoise hair cropped close to her head, turned to look at her with a shocked gaze, unique and slightly strange looking rainbow eyes sparkling with confusion. Soon after seeing Marinette's determined gaze, she lit up and grinned. "Yo Ander, I think we got backup!"

"Great! Tell them to get these thing to just LET ME GO!"

Mae rolled her eyes. "Geez, calm your pants. I've got you." She seemed to equip a... bazooka? And shot... a pig pooping rainbows at what now looked like a bunch of different coloured... worms? Whatever they were, they burst away from something, leaving a boy with green hair lying on the ground panting.

"KILL IT, KILL IT, KILL IT!!" He shouted frantically at his sister, who had unequipped the bazooka and replaced it with a a javelin or a spear or something, which she threw straight at a single gem sparkling in the centre of the mass of wriggling limbs. 

"Bullseye!" Mae cheered as the weapon pierced the stone, causing the creature to shriek and explode into glittery iridescent goo. 

The two siblings turned to look at each other, both covered in the goo, and burst out laughing.

Marinette sheathed her sword and looked on amusedly, watching as the boy slapped his sister on the back, both of them howling. Tears were practically running down their faces, although to what was so funny, she had no clue. Mae glanced towards her, her laugh fading into chuckles. "Thanks anyway, friend, but I guess we didn't need your help after all."

The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now