chapter 44: healing wounds

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Josh doesn't reply, so Scott roars at him, demanding an answer. Josh's expression immediately changes, as if he's been awakened from a trance.

He looks around, confused. "I'm sorry." he says before turning around and running off.

"What the hell?" Stiles says, shocked.

"How'd he do that?" Scott asks, surprised.

I don't pay attention to their conversation, but rush over to Liam. He's in pain, I can feel it. His face, torso and arms are covered in blood...and in bite and slash marks.

He screams and Scott and Stiles rush over to us.

"What's happening to him?" Stiles asks.

"Same thing that happened to Scott and dad." I say turning to look at them. "He's being poisoned."

They look at each other, piecing it together. 

Liam screams again. "We have to get him to Deaton's!" I tell them.

Scott looks in the direction where Josh took off. 

"It's ok, go." Liam manages to tell him.

Scott looks over at Stiles.

"I'll take them, it's fine." Stiles tells Scott, and he takes off after Josh.

Stiles and I carry Liam to the Jeep. I go in the back with him, his head resting on my lap, his hand in mine.

He screams in agony, the pain getting worse. I take his pain, but it's not helping. As long as the poison is in his system, whatever I do is useless.

"Liam, you have to stay with me, ok?" I tell him as his eyes begin to close. "No, no! Open your eyes, look at me."

"I can't." he says weakly.

"Keep him awake!" Stiles yells from the drivers seat.

"I'm trying!" I yell back, but Liam's eyes close and his grip loosens. 


When we arrive at the animal clinic, Deaton helps us get Liam out of the Jeep and onto an examining table. Deaton takes scissors and cuts Liam's shirt so that he's able to see his wounds and treat them. He's hurt worse than I thought.

"You'll need to take his pain." Deaton tells me.

I nod and stand by Liam, taking his hand.

I can do this, I can do this

Deaton begins to pour the powder over Liam's wounds, he begins to stir and feel the pain of the process of separating the poison from his system. He begins to writher and scream, just like Scott did.

I take his pain, and as I do, I can see the black liquid being to ooze out of his wounds. I keep taking his pain until it stops. I expect Liam's screams to stop too, but they don't.

"What's happening to him?" I ask. 

"The venom is separated from his system, but he's not healing." Deaton says.


"He might be in too much pain, which is preventing him from healing. With Scott it was Malia and Liam taking the it's just one person, you."

I need to take more of his pain and I need to do it quickly...he's dying

I grab Liam's arm with both of my hands, readying myself to take all of his pain if I have to.

"Be careful." Deaton warns me.

"I know, too much can hurt me."

"It can kill you."

Running with the Wolvesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن