Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Do you ever go home?" It was the next day. Reyna had come back from her shopping trip with Lydia an hour after their tale was finished. She was wiped but managed to keep a grin on her face. While she had a good time out, Brayden was at home wondering how his little sister wasn't a complete mess from everything she's seen.

But then he realized it was because of him.

Not capital H 'him,' but the boy that was stretched across their couch munching down on one of the brownies that Addy made, a new unburnt batch. He was the reason that Addison Ryder had not shut herself out from everyone around her. Brayden could see it now. He could see the looks she gave him, the pure love in her eyes.

Liam Dunbar was the reason his little sister remained sane. And if it was him making her happy, then he was okay with it. Brayden cared about his little sister so much that if a werewolf was making her happy, then he would suck it up and put a smile on his face. He was happy when she was happy.

"Not really, no," Liam shrugged. Both his parents were working the night before and he stayed over at the Ryder's. Since Brayden apparently couldn't keep them apart, he allowed them to share Addy's bed. But they had to keep the door open, and if he saw any funny business happen, he would drive Liam straight back to his house. So, they remained quiet and fell asleep rather quickly.

Addy plopped down beside Liam, pushing his feet off the couch and pecking his lips. She had a brownie in her hand as well, and the werewolf noticed a smear of chocolate icing at the corner of her lips. He wiped the bit of frosting off with his thumb, and then licked it off his finger. Brayden looked at the two with a disgusted look. They were so cute, it was gross.

"So, what's the plan today?" Addy questioned. It was Sunday morning, and they unfortunately had school the next day.

"I'm taking Reyna out this afternoon," Brayden answered. "Mom wanted to take us out for breakfast."

"Wha-she never invited me!" Addy exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's because you always sleep in. I'm surprised you're up right now," he scoffed. It was true. She wasn't much of a morning person, and the only reason she was up at that hour was because Liam was up at seven. He could only go on his phone for so long before the boring-ness got to be too much. So, Addison woke up to a tickling at her sides and dozens of kisses on her cheek.

"You ready to g-hey Addy, what are you doing up?" Mrs. Ryder walked into the living room, dressed for the day and her purse over her shoulder. She seemed slightly out of breath, but it was probably just her rush to get ready.

Addy threw her arms up in the air, an exasperated look set on her face. Did she really sleep in that much? The past months she barely got any sleep, so it wasn't really her fault that she caught up in the late hours of the morning. Besides, didn't every teenager her age sleep in?

"Sorry, you're just not usually up this early," her mother apologized. "If I had known. I would have let you known about breakfast."

"Whatever," Addy sighed. "Didn't really want to go anyway. You guys go enjoy your expensive breakfast while Liam and I have our frozen waffles."

Twenty minutes later, they were all out of the house besides the couple, who sluggishly made their way to the kitchen. Addy hopped up on the counter, her feet swinging back and forth. She plugged her phone into the docking station and blasted some music.

Instead of having said waffles, Liam had decided to make some eggs. Knowing his lack of ability to cook, she prayed that they would at least be edible.

She admired him while he cooked. It could seem kind of creepy, but she wouldn't deny the fact that she was checking out her boyfriend. His messy bed head stood up in several directions, but he managed to make it work. Liam would dance a little as the beat in the music picked up, a giggled passed her lips as he sang – quite embarrassingly – to her.

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