Chapter Thirty-One

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Liam pushed the door open to the vet's office. The Dread Doctor was barely conscious as Addy and Scott carried it in. She found it ironic. It was the one thing she was scared of most, and she was helping it. However, it was for her benefit rather than his. As soon as they got enough answers out of it, the last of the Dread Doctors would be killed.

"He's still alive," Scott announced as they walked into the clinic. Deaton and Stiles were there looking over a folder that was quickly forgotten as they set him on the metal table. "Can you keep him alive?"

"I'm not sure he technically is alive," Deaton answered.

"Screw keeping him alive. How do we get him to talk?" Addy snarled. The alive/not-alive doctor was breathing heavily. The constantly clicking noise that invaded her dreams echoed in the clinic. Part of her wanted to rip the mask off and see what it was like underneath, if it was even human anymore. She didn't know if that would kill it, and killing it would mean no answers.

"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough," Stiles offered.

"I'm in." Addy cracked her knuckles. The stress was getting to her. They saw it. She was beginning to crack under the pressure, and the animal instinct inside of her was getting loose. They were worried. Addy wasn't one to be violent when it wasn't necessary, but more and more she began thinking that maybe that was the only way.


"Did you hear that?" Liam asked. Addy nodded her head. It was the voice of a French man: the Man of Gévuadan.

Come to me, to me.

The Dread Doctor sat up suddenly, a high pitched frequency along with it. Addy screamed as the noise vibrated in her head. Her hands covered her ears in hopes to block out the sound. Liam was next to her, watching as her eyes were squeezed shut from the pain the noise brought. Items on the metal shelves around them shook, each of them falling off and crashing to the ground.

The noise stopped, but the rattling of the shelves continued. The Dread Doctor got up from the table, slowly making its way out of the door and towards the voice that was calling its name. Liam got up after it, but it stuck its hand out. A force caused by the electromagnetic power that it used flung him back into the wall. Addy shakily stood up from her spot, but didn't advance after it like Liam had.

Without anyone else going after it, he made it out of the clinic, slamming the doors behind him. The tables and shelves that were previously rattling flew in the air and made a blockade in front of the door. Addy was the first to go after it, and before Deaton could yell out his warning, she touched the metal.

An electric shock traveled though her fingertips and along every muscle in her body. The single touch had enough force to send her through the air and into the back wall. Black burn marks covered her left arm, and the aftershock of the electricity was still in her nerves. The feeling of being burned inside out washed over her and stayed until she began healing.

"Addy!" the four males all shouted in sync. Liam grazed her arm and felt the electricity shock him. He yelped and jumped back. It wasn't just a regular shock that she experienced. The voltage was hyped up to extreme power, and a human would have died with the slightest graze. Addy's body twitched as the energy overtook her body.

"No, don't touch her," Deaton advised. She would need to ride out the shock, a painful process that needed to happen. Once the extra energy left her body, she would begin to heal.

"She's in pain," Liam argued. A voice outside caught his attention, and he and Scott listened in on the conversation while Stiles and Deaton leaned over Addy. The shocks in her body lessened, but she still twitched in pain.

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