Chapter Twenty-Five

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"She took out the whole school?"

After leaving the library, the pack met up at Scott's house. It was getting time to start the plan, and Addy was even more jumpy than she was an hour ago. Everything needed to be perfect, and she didn't want to be the reason that the plan went to hell. There was enough guilt lying on her shoulders; she didn't need more by being the one to let her friend die.

Right then, it was sounding like Kira was the one who would be the loose end. She failed every test to take the power from a light bulb as practice for the brown out. Instead, she caused more energy to flow and actually took the power out.

"She took out the whole grid," Malia corrected. Either way, it wasn't good for any of them. If Kira couldn't do this, then they weren't getting in.

"Look, I failed every single practice try. This isn't going to work," Kira said. It needed to work. They couldn't come up with another plan in only a few hours. Lydia needed to be out by the end of the night.

"How far can we get without the brown out?" Addy asked. They would need a backup plan if it didn't work, especially at the rate they were going.

"The front door?"

"We're going," Scott argued. They couldn't lose someone else: not Lydia, not anyone. They've been through enough emotional damage as it was. No one else needed to die.

"Scott, we went through boxes of light bulbs," Kira cried out. She didn't want to let anyone down either. A team is only as strong as the weakest player; she didn't want to be the weakest player and drag everyone down.

"It doesn't matter. You can do this. I know you can do this," Scott assured her. He moved closer to the kitsune. Addy smiled at them, and couldn't help but let her gaze linger over to Liam. Stiles and Malia got through their problems or at least hid it well. Liam and Addy were the exact opposite. He was always looking at her and she did her best to ignore him. Scott's plan might have worked a little bit, but they were nowhere near back to normal.

"Anyone here think she can't?" They all shared weary looks. They trusted Kira, but right then it wasn't looking so good.

"Not me," Liam spoke up first. He was a terrible liar. He always was.

"I was the one who put you in the plan." Stiles nodded.

"Kira, you are the most kickass person I know. You can do it," Addy confirmed. She seemed to be the only one besides Scott that had real faith in her. Malia was the only one who didn't say anything, and let out a questionable 'what' after they all gave her a look.

"I believe in you too, Kira," Stiles hinted at.

"I'm going to be the one locked in an electrical room with her," Malia exclaimed. She sighed and looked at the shorter girl beside her, "You can do it." 

"You guys are all crazy. We're going to die."

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"Addy there's only room for four bags. You have to."

"Four! Exactly: one for me!" Addy argued. The plan for the four to get in to Eichen was barbaric as it was, and Scott's proposal was even worse.

"We need one for the real body in case they need to check, which I'm sure they will. It's the only way," Scott explained. They were going to hide in the body bags to get into the morgue of Eichen House and then find their way to the closed unit. It was crazy, but it was the best they could do in a short amount of time.

However, there was only room in the back of the van for four body bags, and with four bags and five bodies, someone was going to have to share the in extremely small space. Addy and Liam were the poor souls who were chosen for the task. Addy believed that it was another one of Scott's tricks to get her to forgive him.

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