Chapter Twenty-Three

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Addy had spent her morning with the true bad guy of the Argent family, Gerard. She requested that Stiles drop her off at her house while they went to Scott's. If there was one person who knew supernatural stuff, it would be Chris Argent, and he led her to Gerard.

The old guy was harmless looking, but she knew better than that. She heard the stories of what he did, what he wanted to do, and what he became. His son had fixed him not long ago, and Scott still didn't know. It was his fault he was sick, and Addy was sure he was going to get revenge.

The first part of her threatening ideal was that she would surly kick his ass if he even thought about hurting Scott, and the second was getting as much information he had about the Dread Doctors. He didn't say much, but he did give her a frequency toner. They were on the right track back at the school with trying to disorient their frequencies. They just didn't get it right.

Addy left him in a hurry. If they were right about the frequency, then maybe they were right about the location. She got to the tunnels where they looked for the chimeras, and where Scott apparently looked for Liam and Hayden.

It was a school day, and she knew that she should go. Her grades were dropping drastically. Her mom talked to her the other day about her lack of attendance at school. Addy realized then that lying had become super easy to her.

The tunnels were empty when she got there, eerily quiet and no one in sight. She hated the smell down there. It reeked of chemicals and mold, but she needed to find them. It was practically a maze down there, and she was walking in circles for an hour before stopping to take a breath. Her phone rang at the same time.


"Addy, where the hell are you?" Her spastic friend questioned over the phone. She heard mumbling and the phone dropped, and then a new voice altogether same on.

"Addy, you promised you were going to go to school." Of course Scott was there too. He was worried about her. She skipped school even when it wasn't necessary and disappeared without telling anyone. It was becoming a bad habit for her and she knew it. Thankfully, her bother wasn't away of everything going on. 

"I-I will. Just, I can't talk right now, Scott," Addy stuttered out. She couldn't talk to him for long or he would eventually get an answer out of her. She knew that she couldn't keep secrets from him for long. Whether it was his ability as an alpha or the fact that he was too good of a friend, she couldn't do it. 

"Addy, I swear to god, don't hang up the phone. Addy!" She quickly pressed the end call button on her phone before he could say anything else. She needed to do this on her own.

Of course she felt bad for leaving them in the dark, but how many times did she get left out? How many times did they leave her in the dark? She was lost on so many things that happened. It seemed only fair that maybe it was time to do her own thing. 

She was terrified down there, but it needed to be done. While the others were looking for the Beast, she was focusing on the Dread Doctors, or more importantly, what answers they could give her about what they did to her.

Her phone went off twice more, and then lastly a text came through. 'Look whatever you're doing be safe. Please. I mean it Addy. Don't get yourself in trouble or killed' Scott wasn't going to be happy. 

She continued walking around, but she was smart about it. Each turn she marked with an orange 'X' on the wall. She passed the same one too often.

Addy was getting frustrated quickly. She let out an ear splitting scream and punched the wall. Her fist ached, spilt and bloody, but healed in seconds. She just needed to find something that would tell her what was going on with her, and there were only two things that could tell her that: Theo and the Dread Doctors. And one of the two she would kill on sight if she saw him again.

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