Chapter Fourteen

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"My asthma's back. I'm not sure how, but it came back, just as bad as it used to be. So now, I keep my inhaler on me all the time, just like I used to.

"It's been five days. We haven't seen any new chimeras, and we haven't seen the Dread Doctors.

"Addy's still here. We haven't told her family. They think she's on some trip with Kira. Parrish hasn't come to take her either, and we don't know why.

"We all go to school, pretending like nothing happened. But everyone seems to know. You just walk down the halls, and no one's smiling. No one's laughing. You get the feeling that everyone can sense that something's coming. They just don't know what is, or how bad it's going to be.

"Every time I feel like I should do something about it, I find myself reaching for my inhaler. Like I'm going to take a hit of it and, and come up with some brilliant solution on how to save everyone.

"But I don't know what to do. I don't think anyone does. Maybe that's why no one's really talking to each other. Sometimes we don't even notice each other. But I think some of us are okay with that, because not talking makes it easier to keep secrets. And I don't know if anyone's really lying about things.

"Maybe it's more like lies of omission, maybe the worst lie is to Stilinski, because no one's told him about Parrish yet. Then again, no one's told Parrish either. He doesn't seem to remember taking the bodies. And we think that he's really only dangerous if you try to get in his way. If Stilinski knew the truth, he'd definitely get in his way.

"So Lydia and Stiles are trying to find the bodies, which means finding the nemeton. They're driving around, searching all the woods. But the last time that we found this things three of us had almost drowned in ice water.

"We're not the only ones looking for chimeras... Stilinski's got everyone looking for the next target. Questioning anyone who's a genetic chimera, anyone's who got two sets of DNA. No one really knows what they're looking for. Some think it's a serial killer. Some probably know it's worse.

"The two chimeras we know about, Hayden and Corey, they're both doing okay. Actually better than okay. They're healing faster and getting stronger. They don't need our help. I don't think they want it anyway.

"I still haven't heard from Kira. I'm getting more and more worried about Deaton. I know something's coming, and all I can think about is how good am I going to be if I can't even breathe."

It was true. Addy's body hadn't moved an inch. She was being kept in the animal clinic, and they were just waiting for her to be taken by Parrish. Maybe then they could find the nemeton. It was their last chance at trying to find it.

No one had the heart to tell the Ryders that their only daughter was dead. Liam had been quiet the past days. He had barely said a word to anyone, even Hayden. They had been by each other's side since the Doctors had taken them. They had become friends in the time. Addy would have wanted that.

Addy's death had really hit everyone hard. It had been like the last straw. It was bad enough with all the deaths going around. It was even worse that she was close to them.

They knew that the Dread Doctors were still around, and that they were still up to something. None of them really had the desire or energy to do something about it.

They had lost too many people already while trying to save everyone else. It wasn't working with people in town still dying.

They were losing in an uphill battle.

They were all at school.

They were all at school when they heard Addison Ryder scream.

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word count: 666     ;)

August 3, 2016


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