Chapter 9

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( future Lilly here:yES I KNOW THEY'RE FRIENDS IRL. This chapter is crappy n cringey but it's what I wrote so I'm leaving it, though I hate this part of my own damn book)

" I really don't trust Dan" Tyler said.

"What? Why!" You said. You really wanted Tyler's approval of Dan. You were going to tell Tyler that you liked Dan, but never mind.

"Y/N, you need to trust me. I have a really bad feeling about him. I don't know what it is. I feel like he's.... he's.... he's.... using you. Playing you Y/N"

"Tyler, no! He's not like that! He's not!" You screeched. Dan was running towards you and Tyler. You realised you were crying.

"Look what you've done!" Dan shouted at Tyler. "Me?! Shut it, you player. Your nothing but a hopeless boy, fallen for someone way too good for you." Tyler retorted. "Shut up Tyler, who do you think you are!? What kind of friend are you, making her cry!?" Dan shouted.

"I am nothing like that, don't YOU DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" Tyler screamed

His fist hit Dan's cheek at a fast rate, Leaving Dan to do nothing but stare at Tyler in awe and rub his face.

"TYLER, STOP IT, NOW!" You screamed, loud enough for everyone to hear. You went to Dan and checked his face. Everyone turned to look at you three. Everyone looked at you astonished. "Tyler, stop." You whispered"Why would you do that? He done nothing! Please, leave him."

" Your going to turn on me after all these years!? I'm doing this for you! You meet a boy and fall in love in 2 days! Your going on his side! Really Y/N? Some friend you are!" Tyler shouted at you, a tear forming in the corner of his eye. What could you do?

You ran. You ran fast. You pushed past Dan and Tyler and other various Youtubers. You sprinted past the pool, ignoring all the looks and murmers. You ignored Zoe wading out the pool and shouting for you. You made your way to the stairs. No time to wait for the lift. You made your way to your room, tears streaming down your face as you paced down the long corrider.

You were weak. Exercise wasnt your forte. You slid down the wall, burrowing your head in your hands, wondering what just happened. Why doesn't Tyler like Dan? What made him so angry he punched him? Why was he so angry at you? Tyler is one of the least violent people you know. He would never do that just because he he got accused of making me cry.

"Y/N?" Dan's voice echoed down the corridor.

"Go away Dan" You whimpered, standing up and wiping your tears. "No. I'm staying here, with you."

"Dan... I appreciate it but I... Just wanna be alone right now." You started walking away from him, towards your room. He ran towards you and picked you up by the waist from behind.

"I'm not leaving you alone Y/N."

You managed a little laugh. He put you down and you stared at the black bruise starting to form on his cheek. "Dan, your face" you said, stroking his face with your thumb. "I'll live" You stare into his eyes. His deep brown eyes. They close and lean in close. You do the same. Just before your lips touch...

"Oh, hell no!" Tyler screamed, sprinting towards you and dan, with rage and betrayal in his eyes. "Tyler!" Zoe screeched from behind him.

Tyler jumped on top of Dan and started throwing punches. "Tyler, please!" You begged, tears returning to your face." Ty, no!" Zoe shouted, and stood next to you.

Dan pushed Tyler off him, and stood up dazed. You sprinted in front of him. "Ty, please I'm begging you. If you wanna hurt him, you have to get through me" You pleaded. "Get out my way" Tyler shoved you. He had never acted this cold before. "No!"

He pinned Dan against the wall, punching him in the stomach repeatedly.

"Tyler, if our friendship ever ment anything to you, stop." You cryed.

Tyler let Dan go, which he dropped to the floor. Tyler kicked him one last time "try me again, i dare you" and stormed off. "Dan, say something!" You cryed, running over to his limp body. "I'm... Im-okay, really." "Zoe, go get Phil." You helped Dan get up and let him lean on you as you opened your door and put him on your bed.

"Y/N, where's Da- Oh my god! Dan! Are you okay" Phil said, running to your bed. " Can you change him out of his swimming trunks? Please?" "Yeah of course"

×××××{5 minutes}×××××

Phil opened the door. " He's all changed" Phil said as he walked out your room. "Thanks for how you handled it Y/N. I really appreaciate it" He said before walking into his own room.

You walked into Dan lying on your bed "You need anything?" You asked. "No I'm good thanks" he replayed, tiredly

"We're sharing a bed tonight, I guess" you said. You grabbed a baggy top and a pair of shorts and changed into them in the bathroom, before crawling into bed.

"Night dan"

"Night Y/N" He said as he wrapped his arms around you.


A/N: Holy shizzle! Dramatic! Update tomorrow. I loved writing this, even if I'm tired.

I'm obsessed with Wattpad. Its hella addictive. 4 updates in one day. LOVE ME. Its 12:48am and I have school tomorrow. Oops. Night xxx

Love - L x

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