l. dunbar & v. stilinski // part 1

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"Actually, I'm leaving early today, do you mind getting them right now?"

I look at the clock, there's about two minutes until the bell rings. I can make it back in time, right? "Uh yeah, sure."

"Sorry, about this." Noemi says.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine." I tell her with a smile.

I get up as Andrew sits down at our lab station, I begin to walk out of the classroom.

"Veronica, where are you going?" Mason calls out to me from his seat.

"To my locker," I say turning back to him, "I'll be right back."

When I turn around, I bump right into someone, dropping all of their books.

"Oh gosh, I'm so..."

It's Liam.

"...sorry." I finish, holding out one of his books that I picked up.

"No, my fault." Liam says and takes back his book.

He stands in the middle of the doorway, just staring at me.

I run my hands through my hair nervously. "Uh, can I get through?"

"Yeah, yeah." he says as he moves aside.

I walk out and walk over to my locker. I take all my notes with me, knowing I'm running out of time to get back to class thanks to my little encounter with Liam.

that would happen to me.

I get to class right before the bell rings.

"Just in time, Ms. Stilinski. You know the rules, you won't be allowed in class after the bell rings." our teacher tells me.

"Yeah, I know. Sorry."

She begins class. While she lectures, I look for my English notes from last week and hand them back to Noemi.

"Thanks!" she mouths to me.

I smile at her and nod.

Liam sits to my right and a couple of rows in front of me. I occasionally glance over at him, expecting him to turn around like he used to, it's like we were in sync. But he doesn't look back to glance at me. He just taps his pencil against his desk and looks straight ahead at the board.

maybe this is going to be harder than I thought...


liam dunbar

I'm such an idiot. I would crash into her like that...

I try to concentrate on taking notes and on the lecture, but I can't. I keep thinking about Veronica. I didn't want to hurt her, but I did. I could see it in her eyes on Friday, I can see it in her eyes today.

Can she tell how much it hurt me too? How much it hurts?

It's for the best, I tell myself. I can't hurt her anymore. She'll be better off without me. But will I be better off without her?

I know the answer to that.

When I leave, I won't be able to see her anymore. Won't see her smile, hear her laugh...that'll be torture. But at least for now, I can see her. I know that she's ok...but I can't hold her anymore, kiss her like before...and she's right in front of me. And when she's right in front of me that's all I want to do, more than anything. Isn't that worse?

maybe this is going to be harder than I thought...


veronica stilinski

monday; stilinski household

On my bed, I have my books and notes spread out. I'm studying for an exam coming up next week. I walk over to my desk to get another pencil. I see the seashell Josh gave me when we went to the beach together and it brings a smile to my face. I think about calling him, but decide against it.

I kind of want to be alone with my thoughts right now anyways. And I don't really want to talk about what happened with Liam. The only person I've really talked to about it is Mason. I don't want to bother any one else.

I wish I could talk to mom about it...I wish I could talk to Allison about it...but they aren't here.

I go back to my bed and push my books aside, laying down on it.

There's a knock on my open door.

I sit up and see Scott standing there.

"Hey, can I come in?" he asks.

"Yeah, sure." I say moving my books towards the end of the bed so Scott can sit next to me.

"You ok?" he asks.

I shrug my shoulders. "Yeah, I'm all right." I tell him. This must not be easy for him either. It's his beta. His only beta. Scott loves Liam, Scott doesn't have to say it but I know he feels like he's failed him in some way.

"You know It's not your fault." I tell him after a few minutes of silence.

He nods. "Kinda feels like it."

"It's not." I reassure him as I place my hand on his shoulder and smile at him.

"It feels like he broke up with me too." he says.

I laugh lightly. "Sucks huh?"

"Yeah." he says. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really." I tell him. "But hey, at least Stiles will never break up with you."

He laughs. "Very funny."

I smile at him. "Thanks for checking up on me."

He nods. "I also came because Deaton told me he's ready to start working with you on your new abilities."

"Ok, great. The sooner we get started, the better."

The sooner I can start working on my powers, the more I focus on school, the less time I'll have to think about Liam....

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