You can't win battles on empty stomach. Or break rules ;)

Eat this.

Yes, that was an order, Tiger

- H.

A wide smile spreads over my lips, my apetite suddenly returning and my mood increasing. I don't think twice before grabbing the sandwich and taking a bite.

. . . .

Loud pounding on my door wakes me up from my slumber, a groan leaving my mouth. I feel like hell and I probably look even worse, but the excessive knocking forces me to get up and angrily walk toward the door, completely prepared to fight the person who dared to wake me up.

Waking someone up in the middle of the night is a special type of evil.

"No," is the first thing I say when I open the door, finding Tori and Jess standing on the other side.

"Nuh uh, let's go," Tori tells me.

"To bed? With pleasure," I reply groggily and turn around, but both of them grab my hands, pulling me back. "Ugh, what is it? I'm a terrible company when I'm tired, not to mention I curse and complain and--"

"Shh, don't ruin this," Jess says, covering my mouth with her palm. "No, shh!" She points a finger at me when I begin mumbling incoherent words. "I'm gonna remove my palm on three and you'll-- ew, the fuck!" She exclaims when I lick it, but doesn't remove it.

"I'mfgonfhb," I mumble angrily, my words muffled. I try to move her palm, but she places her other hand on the back of my head, keeping me in place. "Fuff ffyou!"

"I promise it'll be fun," Tori says, speaking to me as if I'm a wild animal, her hands lifted. "Just relax. Jess, let her go."

Jess slowly loosens her grip on me and I jump back, prepared to curse them out. I take a deep breath, deciding to stay calm. "I'm sorry girls, but we're not friends at midnight okay, night is for sleeping," I say. "We'll be friends around six am again, love you, bye." I wave, plastering a fake smile.

They just stare at me in silence and I let out the longest sigh in history. I glance down at my sweatpans and black shirt, deciding I don't give a shit how I look and just follow them. I can always run away later and return to sleep. "Where are we going, anyway?"

"On the east side," Tori says. "We'll sneak into the men's building."

"To get some dick or what?" I ask impatiently. "No thanks, I'm too tired."

They cover their mouths to muffle their laughter while I roll my eyes. My arms fold over my chest to keep myself warm when we exit the building, a deep scowl etched on my face. I bite back a smile when I remember I'm breaking yet another set of rules by doing this. I can practically hear H's smug tone, scolding me for doing it.

Tori and Jess prove to be skilled in avoiding any soldiers seeing us, the darkness of the night only working in our advantage. "Why weren't you in the mess hall today?" Jess asks curiously.

"I was busy," I mumble an excuse, shrugging. "Which is why I need to sleep," I add quietly, but since she rolls her eyes I assume she heard me.

We sneak past the soldiers patrolling around the building, smug expressions on our faces. It isn't long before we manage to reach the right floor using the stairs, my eyes scanning the empty hallways. The building is luckily identical to ours, so it wouldn't be hard to find a way out in case someone catches us. The three of us stop in front of one of the flats, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

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