Chapter 37

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Kristen's POV

It wasn't working. Every time I tried to look at Joey I felt guilty. Relationships don't work like that. I ran out of the restaurant and drove home. As soon as I ran inside I booked my plane ticket home. LA was turning out to be a lot more dramatic that I had expected. Tyler knocked on the door to my room as I began to pack. "Can I come in?" He asked. "Yeah sure," he opened and shut the door. "Oh my god... What are you doing?" He asked, obviously confused. "I can't deal with my feelings towards Joey. I have to go home." There was no other way to word it. "Well you don't have to go home! Just break up with him!" He was pleading. "But I can't stay here Tyler, I can't bear the thought of being in the same city as him and not being able to be with him. But I like his roommate, I like Troye, I like a lot of people and I can't do that to Joey. I care about him enlighten to know that this just can't work." Years formed in my eyes. "Well if that's how you feel hun, then I'm not going to stop you. You two have had a hell of a relationship. I mean, I don't even know what was going on. It's so all over the place!" He was trying to make me laugh but I was too focused on leaving to laugh with him. "Honestly, I don't know. And that's why I have to leave." Everything was just so drawn out. What started as just a summer fling became an insane roller coaster of emotion. Frankly, I was sick of it. I was sick of trying to impress him, getting unemotional responses, and just all of the drama. I know I played a big part in adding to the drama, but he certainly didn't help. "I'm gonna call Joey and do it. I don't want to just leave him hanging, but I need to end it. " I told tyler. Yeah, phone break-ups weren't exactly the best kind of break up, but you all know what happened every time I got near him. "Girl, do it. Joey will understand." I walked outside to the backyard. Before I dialed, I reflected on everything we had been through. The whole relationship seemed like a blur. As I reflected, I realised that I at least needed to say goodbye to him in person.  That was the only way everything could end completely. The phone only rang once before he picked up. "Hey Joey... There's something I need to say..."

Joey's POV

I picked up the phone knowing exactly what she was going to do. "What's up?" I asked her. "I have to break things off... This summer has been fun, and I like you a lot, but it's gotten really crazy and I need to think about what I'm gonna do for school." I actually wasn't upset at all. "Look Kristen, I figured this was coming. The last few weeks have been crazy and you have to focus on school. I understand,". I reassured her. I wish we could do this in person... "I'm really glad, Joey. I don't want you to be upset with me."  Her voice began to choke up.  "I'm really not upset!  We both live in different worlds and those worlds just aren't mixing right now.  Who knows what the future holds, but we need to base our decisions on what is good for right now."  I felt like a preacher, but she needed to know that everything was all right.   "I'm really glad you understand," Kristen said, sounding a bit better.  I heard a car door click.  "Where are you?"  I asked.  "Open your door."  I walked to the door and found her standing there.  "I couldn't just leave.  That would be rude."  Her eyes were red from crying.  "Go wash your eyes; there's no reason to cry."  As she went into the bathroom, Sawyer came out of his room.  "Kristen.  I'll explain later.  Go away!"  He obeyed and ran back into his room just as Kristen came back out.  "I have an 8:00 flight tonight.  I'm going home."  She said.  She'd have to leave soon.  "I'll miss you.  This is for the best, though.  I think."  I wanted this to break so easily.  Both of us were surprisingly ok with it.  "I think so, too. I just wanted to say thank you for everything.  I really have had the best summer ever thanks to you.  I'm gonna miss you.  Come and visit if you want, as a friend," she said, one single tear falling down her cheek.  "And you're always welcome here," I replied.  "Well, I really gotta go but..."  I leaned in and gave her one final kiss.  "Thanks, Joey.  You really made my L.A. Dreams come true."

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