Chapter 8

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Kristen's POV

"ALANNA!" I screamed as my best friend walked in to our hotel room. "I'm so happy to FINALLY be here! L freaking A!" She ran up and hugged me. "We are gonna have so much fun!" I could barely contain my excitement as I said that. "Yay! First thing, though. HOW WAS JOEY GRACEFFA?!?" I recounted the entire night for her. "Get it Kristen!" She said. I laughed a little. "Yeah... Our second date is tonight though..." Her face fell. "Really Kristen? You put him before me?" I burst out in laughter, prompting Alanna to seem confused. "Don't worry- You're coming too!" She still seemed upset. "Oh so now I'm gonna be your third wheel?" Ok now Alanna was pissed. "No! I hooked you up. Well Joey did. He invited Sawyer Hartman along with us." As soon as I said Sawyer her face lit up. "HOLY CRAP FOR REAL??" This is the response I was expecting. "Yes for real. He is your date." She was practically hyperventilating. "THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU!" I knew Alanna loved me, but did Joey?

Joey's POV

DING DONG! It was Sawyer at my front door. Quickly, I grabbed my camera. "Hello, psychopaths! Look who it is. It's little old Sawyer!" He saw the camera and smiled. "Hey everyone! Today Joey and I are going on a little double date!" I hoped the fans wouldn't get too mad. "Yes yes we are Sawyer. We will bring you all along later!" I closed the camera. "So, lets go get ready!" He said to me. We walked into my room and into the closet. "Joey, I'm gonna wear shorts and just a button down. You should wear your striped shirt and red sperry's. The girls will love it." I did exactly as Sawyer instructed me to do. We both got dressed and were ready to go to the hotel. "Are you ready Sawyer?" I had to ask him before I just left. "Dude, there's two girls waiting for us. Let's get outta here."

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