Chapter 30

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Kristen's POV

First, Joey took me to meet Tyler Oakley.  "Hey Tyler!  This is Kristen!" He said.  "Hey girl.  I've heard all about you!"  I blushed a bit.  Tyler Oakley knew who I was!  "Wow!  I've wanted to meet you since you got into 1D.  I'm a huge fan, too."  I knew Tyler and I could talk for hours about the boys.  "Oh girl, we need to have a serious chat about them.  Text me and we will have a 1D night."  I gave him my number and we moved on to the next YouTuber Joey had in mind.  "Douganya!"  He yelled and tapped Doug on the shoulder.  "Joeyanya!  Hello! And who is the lovely lady you brought?"  He smiled at me.  "Hi I'm Kristen.  I love your videos so much!  I even bought your covers on iTunes."  He laughed.   "Thank you so much!  I work hard on my stuff."  We chatted about music, facts, and England.  "When you come over, give me a call.  We can meet up!" He said after I explained my love for his country.  Joey put his arm around my shoulders.  "Only if I'm there too!"  We went around the room and met so many people.  Finally we found Colleen as Miranda.  "Hey Miranda.  This is my friend Kristen." I was already laughing from her facial expressions.  "Hello," she replied.  "I'm Miranda, no offense."  That was one of her famous lines!  "None taken.  You're quite bootiful I must say."  I played along with her character.  "I know.  I'm so bootiful and talented.  Just saying."  We talked for a good half hour before Joey finally pried me away.  By 11, I had met almost everyone I could ever want to meet.  I even exchanged numbers with Tyler, Lohanthony, Colleen (as Miranda), and Tanya Burr.  I had made contact with almost all of my favourite people!  "So did I give you a sufficient tour of the vidcon people?" Joey asked, reaching for my hand.  "This was one of the best, most fun nights I've ever had, and I have you to thank for it.  I really am glad to be here, and I'm glad I'm here with you."

Joey's POV

Seeing Kristen becoming friends with my friends really confirmed that it was the right choice to take her back.  Her personality was amazing, and I loved how social she was.  I barely had to do anything and she made so many friends!  Not to mention that everyone loved her.  "I'm glad it worked out that you could be here with me," I told her.  I leaned in and kissed her, and soon we were snogging in front of the entire floor.  No one really noticed, however, because it was such a crowded party.  After a few minutes, someone tapped me on the shoulder.  "Can you come up for air for a minute?"  It was Connor Franta.  "Yeah, sure."  I turned back to Kristen.  "Go socialize with your new friends.  I'll be done in a few."  I kissed her on the cheek and walked away with Connor.  Sure enough, she had already settled in with Tyler and the Brits.  "What's up with Sawyer?" He asked bluntly.  "Nothing... He said everything was fine when I saw him earlier."  It wasn't a total lie... Kristen had said that Sawyer was cool with everything.  "Well he left early and texted me that he wasn't coming back for the party at all," he said, sounding seriously concerned.  "And you know Sawyer doesn't miss a party," he added.  "Yeah... Let's go outside.  I'll try to call him."  We walked outside and I dialed his cell.  After it rang twice, he denied my call.  "That's weird... You try to call him," I told Connor.  "Yeah, ok."  He dialed and Sawyer picked up.  He took the phone off of speaker and told me to shut up.  "Where are you?"  Connor asked.  "You should be here.  What's wrong?"  I was only catching snippets of the conversation through the phone.  After a long pause, Connor replied to Sawyer.  "OK man.  Just chill out.  Go to sleep.  Ok, later."  He turned to me.  "Well he didn't want to talk to you because he likes your girlfriend.  You two need to fix this.  You're in deep shit over this girl."  He looked pissed.  "Well she's mine, so Sawyer needs to chill out.  I'll talk to him when I get home."

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